
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Clothes Pin Christmas Trees

Okay here's the other tutorial of the clothes pin series. Christmas trees of course. In hind sight I probably should have just used felt and cut out Christmas trees, but whatever, I still like them :)

What You'll Need:

 Brown Paint - Already had this
Green Paint - Already had this although I had to mix yellow and blue
Paint brush - Already had this
Yellow Felt - $0.86
Green Pipe Cleaners - $0.99
Clothes Pins - $1.99 (same pack as for the Reindeer)
Orange Pom Poms - $0.99 (they come in different sizes, so just use the size that you like best - orange because Baby Fox's favorite color is orange and he kept screaming out orange when we were standing there trying to pick out the pom poms)
Different Color Pom Poms - $0.99

 Step 1: You'll need to paint the trunks of the trees first.

I painted these at the same time when I painted the reindeer

Step 2: After dry, paint the "branches"

Step 3: Cut out the Stars

I free handed these, but I did draw a star on a piece of paper so I could get the basic shape, for whatever reason I was having issues cutting out the stars without looking at a star on a piece of paper, go figure

Step 4: Form the tree

This will be a trial and error. I started by folding the pipe cleaner in half, then forming the branches from there. Then I glued the bottom part down first - right where the spring is attached to the clothes pin, then glued the rest down. You don't have to glue down each branch, it just worked out for this particular tree. If you look at the other ones, you can see that not all of them go glued down.
 The beauty of the hot glue gun, you can glue at random points of the clothes pin and it dries so fast that it sticks no problem.

Step 5: Attach the star

Step 6: Attach the "ornaments"

I did this randomly, there was no rhyme or reason of how I did this.

And you're done! See the all orange one, that was for Baby Fox. You could really just buy 1 package of those pom poms, I have a ton left over.

And you can see them on my mantel. I've since gotten a lot of Christmas cards, and it's turning out great!

Super easy project. Next year we'll hopefully have stockings, so I plan to wrap one of our doors with wrapping paper, attach a ribbon/bow to the door, and then attach all the cards to the ribbon on the door.

Hope you have a great Thursday!


  1. you are so creative >.<


  2. that is so adorable!! i love it.

  3. Oh how cute! I love it with the reindeer ones on your mantel, just adorable and so festive!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee
