
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Weekend Recap

This week has been long, I'll get to telling you some other time, but for now we'll think about the good stuff.

Friday afternoon we went somewhere and there was a fire truck. Baby Fox couldn't wait to get on that thing! So we walked over to the fire truck and they let him get on and explore! He was in heaven!
Baby Fox really wanted to touch the screen

Fine Mom, I'll pose for a picture

My favorite of the day

And then the best thing happened, since we knew the firemen's boss (my uncle), they gave Baby Fox, Mr. and Grandpa a ride in the fire truck around the "block"! I'm fairly certain that Mr. and Grandpa had WAY more fun than Baby Fox, and of course they just said they "volunteered" to go with so Baby Fox wouldn't get scared.

Saturday Baby Fox helped me make cupcakes for our visitors on Sunday. He was a very good helper, . couldn't ask for a better assistant.

The next day we made frosting, Baby Fox was introduced to licking the beaters, isn't that every kids dream? I remember as a kid doing that and thinking this is the best thing EVER! Double fisting it of course. Not having to share the other beater with a least for another year or so. I might have created a monster by introducing this concept to him.

Sunday afternoon some friends that were in town from Virgina came to visit. We had lots of fun visiting and playing with them.

 We went to the park

Went swimming after nap time.

Played with every single toy that Baby Fox owns, twice

And watched Finding Nemo

We were sad to see them leave, hopefully they come visit again soon! (side note: Baby Fox's friend is 9 months younger than him...)

And that our weekend in a nutshell. At least it's a short week, thankfully!
Linking up with Sami

1 comment:

  1. What a fun weekend! My boys love to lick the beeters. Soon as B hears the mixer going, he comes running over to help.
