
Monday, March 10, 2014

This and That

The most important thing happening today, Mr. is taking his family leave and spending the next 7 weeks with these two.

I can see where Baby Fox gets his smile, can we say carbon copy?

Can Mini Fox's Pj's get any cuter? I love them, I wish I had them in every size.
Saturday we met up with some friends for some lunch, this is what Mini Fox wore, I love her "shoes" We call them her gladiator shoes.

Look who's sitting up? She turned 6 months yesterday, so it's only appropriate to document the fact that she can sit and not totally look like a drunken sailor.

I made this tutu and these headbands for a friend who just had a baby girl. My friend is one of those people on the let's be surprised at the birth to find out the sex. I don't know how she does it, this is her second and both times she didn't know. Since she has a boy I thought I would give her the most girly things I could possibly think of. Plus I had all these supplies on hand.

I wore my new Toms, my first pair ever, I think I'm in LOVE!


Mr. made Baby Fox his specialty of green eggs and ham

Because we still wear Santa pj's in March, we're cool like that
 Ampa (aka grandpa), Nana and Auntie Cole came over to watch the kids so I could go see Mr. sing his in choir (yep you read that right, he joined a choir).

Baby Fox got my dad down on the floor and then gave him a pillow cause his knee is hurt (my dad had a knee replacement a few months back, and Baby Fox is really aware of it, and always trying to kiss it better), not sure why the pillow is near his head, but you know...then Baby Fox had to get a pillow for himself because he wants to be like Ampa.

I went to see this guy sing, he's stand on the top riser, far left in this picture

Well you can see him in this picture, front and center

Here's a little snippet

Mr. is getting serious about his music and is spending some of his family leave time writing and recording music. I'll keep you posted on that, he said I would be able to post it when he's done with them, he said he might even start a blog.

After we got home Baby Fox wanted Mr. to set up his tool bench he got from my brother and sister-in-law for Christmas, I know so late, but it's like getting a new gift right?  2.5 hours later they're done!

Mr. and Baby Fox play a game they call "bump" it's like bumper cars but with a tricycle and a Plasmacar, they crashed and both died, I had to bring them back to life with kisses and tickles.

And that was my weekend in a nutshell.

Linking up with Faith, Sarah and Heather 
Also linking up with Carly, Molly, Susan and Amber


  1. You guys have the cutest family. 7 weeks is such a long time for vaca! Love it. And can you please post a tutorial for the headbands and tutus??

  2. I cannot believe how big your kiddos are getting!!! Somebody slow down the time!! And those headbands and adorable!! I want to wear one!! ;)

  3. oh my word...your children are so precious!!!
    love this round-up!

  4. Mini Fox is such a little all of her outfits!

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