
Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Weekend

I didn't have time to get the pictures off my camera from our Easter Dinner, but here was our weekend, up until Easter Dinner.

Friday Mr. took off work to spend some time with the kids. When Daddy is getting Mini Fox ready, always a pretty dress.

After picking up Baby Fox from school, they stopped at the park on the way home.

Then it was off to Mini Fox's 18 month check up. She has no idea what's coming. But happy to be playing in the boat at the office. She weighs in at 22 pounds 14 oz (25%) and is 33 inches tall (80%).

Daddy's attempt at doing a top knot in Mini Fox's hair. So cute that he tried.

She had to get her Tetnus shot and let me tell ya, that shot is no joke! She got some cookies for being brave, everything is better with cookies right? Poor thing, see the tears? She was just miserable.

Can't nap, so she just snuggled Daddy for 30 minutes.

She was super cranky the whole afternoon/evening.Mr. left for a baseball game after I got home from work and this is what I got the whole night. Poor thing. I finally gave her some medicine around 6:30, it didn't really help much. I actually had to rub her back to get her to fall asleep, which has never happened, but at least it worked.

My brother and his wife came after the kids went to bed, Baby Fox was so excited that he stayed up until they got there. As soon as they got there, he hugged them hello and then when they were out getting their stuff from the car, he said, can you put me back to bed? I said, you can wait for them to come back in and he said, no can you just put me to back to bed? Such a sweet kid.

Saturday morning we all wanted to go for a Starbucks and the park. As we're leaving the house to go, we see at the park that they are having their annual Easter Egg hunt. We thought we missed it when we went to Tahoe, but they decided to do it the day before Easter, which is unusual. But hey works for us!

Mini Fox LOVED the bounce house. While all the other kids were getting the Easter Eggs, my kids wanted to just play in the bounce house.

Hey they're smart, all the other kids went to get eggs and they had the place to themselves.

See all those little dots on the grass? Yep those are all Easter Eggs, crazy right? Must have taken them forever to fill those up! Even seeing this, my kids still didn't want to go get any.


There was a small section roped off for kids 3 and under. Mini Fox's first time getting an egg.

She quickly realized that there was candy inside.

Brother may have gotten a few of the 3 and under eggs too.

Showing me what was in her egg.

Bunny Ears...Baby Fox did not want anything to do with this picture, can you tell?

I love that Mini Fox is still checking out the Bunny Ears. So cute!

Then we went to another park for the kids to play around in. Mini Fox wants to be just like her brother. She looks so small in this picture.

But was totally able to push it around, pretty impressive for an 18 month old. Baby Fox could not do this at this age, at all. Crazy how different kids are.

After getting home, we did lunch and then swim lessons for Baby Fox. He's finally getting his arms out of the water...yay!

Mini Fox taking notes I'm

Baby Fox with Ms. K, he loves his teacher.

After lessons we decided to stop at the grocery store.

Yep this is how we roll, carrying the kids on our shoulders everywhere we go.

After nap time I wanted to go out to eat, actually Baby Fox wanted to go to this Mexican place we like on Friday, but after taking a hour and 45 minutes to get home from work the last thing I wanted to do was get on the freeway and sit in more traffic, and Mini Fox was so cranky that I told him we could go on Saturday.

Still cranky and wanting out. But then food came and all was good with the world.

The Easter Bunny came!

Reading the books they got before church.

We went to my parents church (although we're thinking of switching), currently they don't have a church, just the church hall, so they had these big tents outside for extra people. It was nice to be in the shade.

Loving on each other.

Mini Fox was tired and Ampa got a few snuggles in, totally rare for this to happen.

We told Baby Fox he could eat his chocolate bunny after church, he made sure we brought it so that he could open it the second church ended.

If you're wondering, which I'm sure you're not, the bunny is from See's Candy

My parents brought over their Easter basket from them.

Time to go hunt Easter Eggs!

Checking out what's in the eggs, along with eating some of it too.

Family picture, love getting these family pictures, at least everyone is looking at the camera, one day...everyone will day.

That's it for now, stay tuned for Santa Barbara pictures!

How was your Easter/weekend?

Linking up with FaithSarah and Heather for Mommy MomentsBella & Lisa for Weekend Link-up Meg for Mingle Monday and Erin for Weekend Snapshot4

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