
Monday, April 13, 2015

Low Key Weekend

Happy Monday! Still working on my photo book, and still have 1.5 months to go and only have till midnight tonight to finish...I can do this! I thought of giving up so many times this past weekend, but kept telling myself, it's worth it, when it's finished and I can check it off of my to do list.

Friday we had a play date with some friends that we hadn't seen in a while. We used to get together every other Friday for play dates, but one of the moms we hang out with went back to work, so it makes it hard to find a day when all three of us can get together. Spring break is nice.

Boys being boys

Mini Fox would not go down the slide without Baby Fox

Lunch time

She ate what the other kids left behind, yum to some Veggie Sticks.

Getting these kids to stay still for a picture. HARD. And one didn't want to be in it, so she's in the car back there.

We got a package in the mail from the Brevard Zoo in Melbourne, Fl. My Godmother adopted two Zebras in the kids names! How sweet is that? They even sent a packet of information about Zebras and a stuffed Zebra. The kids loved them, and would not let them go the rest of the weekend.

I asked Baby Fox what he wanted to name his Zebra, he said how about I give you the letters and you tell me what it spells? his name is abalai (ab-a-lie). Pretty good name for a zebra if you ask me.

Please excuse the mess, called my bedroom/play room. Also, my pants are very fitting for reading about wild animals.
Saturday morning we went to my friend's daughters Show Choir performance. 

 After the performance we went outside so we could see the girls and within 2 minutes, Mini Fox had stepped into a puddle, slipped and got all wet. Lucky for us, I didn't take her Easter dress out of the car from the week prior...laziness does pay off! And the shoes that she was wearing from her previous outfit worked out perfect.

My friend texts me later that evening and says that we have to go to all of their performances because whenever we go they place 1st. If only all of their competitions were so close to us.

Walking back to the car, holding her zebra nice and tight. She named hers ZZ (because she can't quite say zebra).

We don't normally give her a pacifier during no nap times, but when you ask a  1 year old to be quiet during a 15 minute performance, you do what you gotta do.
We stopped to get some lunch at our favorite Mexican place, note to self, do not go here during lunch time, the service is horrible because they don't schedule enough people to cover everyone.

She was being a little pip, until the food came. She definitely knows what she wants and she wants it NOW.

Mr. got Mini Fox up from her nap, happy girl. Mr. thought wearing her cute little dress to bed would be uncomfortable so he changed her into PJ's.

After naps the kids went swimming in the spa...let me tell y, we are in trouble with Mini Fox...she has no fear and just jumps in head first, swallowing all the water and all. I'm surprised that there is still water left. Baby Fox always had a healthy fear of the water...not this girl. This summer is going to be panic inducing, I can already tell.

Baby Fox was showing Mini Fox how to float...she thinks she's floating...close...

Sunday I got to get Baby Fox out of bed, and he's set up choices for his outfit for the next day. He does this every night, it's so cute.

Baby Fox really wanted to go Mini Fox up, he crawls in there and it's just the cutest thing what happens every time. Lots of hugs and kisses.


We went to church and dropped Mini Fox off at the church daycare for the first time. Baby Fox helped so much, when we got back to pick them up, Mini Fox was sitting on Baby Fox's lap reading. I wish I had a camera to take a picture of it, it was so sweet. I guess she cried on and off the whole time, but he helped a lot. Good thing she has him. They were rewarded with donuts though, Baby Fox's favorite thing.

How cute is this outfit my Mom bought her?

She picked out her shoes
After naps we headed out to our friends house for dinner and some play time.

Really involved in watching some Star Wars.

Good weekend, and ready to tackle the week, especially that photo book. I got this!

Do anything fun this weekend you want to share?

Linking up with FaithSarah and Heather for Mommy MomentsBella & Lisa for Weekend Link-up Meg for Mingle Monday and Erin for Weekend Snapshot4

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