
Monday, June 22, 2015

Busy Weekend, Like All Of Our Weekends Seem To Be

Happy Monday! Party week going on over here, something Mr. coined a while back - the week before a party he doesn't see me because I'm so busy getting ready for the party, so he calls it party week. Thursday we went to a friends house for dinner. Their daughter is just the cutest. She just turned 3 last week. Her Mom and I have been friends since 7th grade, crazy right?

Yep there's that crown again on Mini Fox
Friday was my day off, I had a few things to return so off Mini Fox and I went to the mall after dropping Baby Fox off at school.

Baby Fox grew and picked his own carrots at school, he pretty much at them before I could even get a picture of them.

Friday night was low key, some swimming and some dinner you know the usual.

 Saturday, I went on my usual hike, but it was so foggy that I didn't take any pictures, boo! Oh and we took a wrong turn and ended up walking an extra 1.5 miles, oops! Back at home pancakes for the kids and cheese omelet for Mr.

Mini Fox thought it was hilarious to run into Daddy with her stroller, with three phones I might add.

Then wanted up, up, up.

Girlfriend was still hungry after her pancakes and part of Daddy's breakfast too.

Baby Fox dressed himself. I said that sweater vest might be a little hot for you to wear today, he said, well it's a tank top, so it's fine. (This is his Christmas vest he wore 2 years ago, LOL).

Mini Fox is just too cute, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and wearing her matching princess crown.

We did swim lessons on Saturday instead of Sunday because Baby Fox's teacher was out of town, so we went with a new teacher to keep up with the weekly lessons. Since we've been swimming in our pool this week, Baby Fox has gotten leaps and bounds better, at least we think so. Here's on lap doing freestyle

And one lap doing the backstroke, he's a zigzagger...but hey it's something right?

Mini Fox eating her raisins and watching brother swim.

We headed to do some errands afterwards and Mini Fox was so thirsty she wanted to just sit and drink...yep she's in the trunk, too hot to sit in the car to drink.

We rewarded all of our hard errand work with some of this...

Line was long....Baby Fox and Mr. got out to use the restroom.

But first Mr. got some water for this girl, finally...she almost fell asleep waiting, it took that long.

After naps, Mr. wasn't feeling good, so I thought I would get the kids out of the house for a couple of hours so he could rest, we picked up my mom and went to dinner.

Mini Fox insisted on sharing the chips and salsa.

We spoke with Ampa on the phone, he was too tired to come with.

Ice cream for dessert


and some hugs, these two kill me they are so cute together.

with some running around, get all that energy out kids!

Sunday I actually vlogged, so you'll see that hopefully on Thursday's post. But we went to church. Let me tell you, church with two little humans, hard work! Usually one of them, and when I say one of them, I mean Baby Fox, goes to the "toy room" aka kiddie care, but he wanted to come in with us, and both of them were crabby the whole time. I don't think I heard one word...okay maybe a few, but mostly it ws trying to wrangle baby in a 2 foot space. Not fun.

Anyway, back at home we ate lunch and took naps. Then my parents came over for some swimming and dinner.

yep I made my sister use the selfie stick to take this picture, haha

My boy loves him some watermelon, I had no idea he liked it that much. Although everyone was saying it was one of the best watermelons they had ever had.

You'll have to tune in on Thursday to see what we ate, it was delicious and a meal worth repeating, hopefully soon!

I'm so thankful for Mr. and all that he does for our family. I am lucky to be married to the best man and to see him become a father made me love him even more.

How was your weekend?

Linking up with Faith, Heather and Daily Momvitity for Mommy Moments Erin for Weekend Snapshot4, B Loved Boston and Champagne & Suburbs  for Weekending, and Monday Madness with Ashley at A Cute Angle

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