
Monday, October 5, 2015

September in Numbers

Hello Monday! Today I'm deviating from our regularly scheduled, I'm linking up with Deena for her Month in Numbers. I love these posts, they're usually totally random numbers that no one cares about but me. But in case you do want to see, my other monthly numbers posts are here.

2 - The age that Mini Fox turned. I can't believe she's two! Here's her Minnie Mouse Party.

24 - The number of selfies I took...that I wanted to share. Actually scratch that, it really was 23, but I couldn't leave it at an odd number, so I added one more.

3 - The number of soccer games we went to, Baby Fox is getting better and better each week!

30 - The number of day we ran our air conditioning, no joke and our electric bill shows us just how much we used it! Arg.

0 - The number of cavities the kids had, yay! Go kids for having great teeth!

Dr. Sara checking his teeth out

 That's the kids dentist, crazy fun right?

She's not so sure, but she sure does love this guy.

1 - The number of blog posts I wrote with my mom. It was so much fun doing something with my mom for just us and no one else...well besides all of you, but you know what I mean. Stay tuned next month for a Fall decorations post.

-1 - The grade that Baby Fox is in...preschool...I wanted to say 2, but I already had a 2, so I went with -1 because next year he starts Kindergarten, so that would be 1...wait, 1st grade would be this should be a get it.

6 - the number of days that I had to occupy the kids all day so Mr. could study. We found some fun things to do.

112 - I think the most liked photo ever on my facebook page...ready to see what it is?

A picture of the train track I built my kids...haha, I guess everyone really likes a good train track build.

6 - I know I have another 6, but this one is totally different. This is how many hair styles I did for my Hair Challenge. I'm pretty proud of myself, and I think I might do a weekly hair challenge starting in January. Just to get myself out of the habit of wearing my hair down every single day.

My favorite one, and one that I have repeated several times.

I think that's all folks. Later this week, I'm going to have a tutorial on how I did the Minnie Mouse tissue paper wreath and the first couple outfits of the Fall Style Me Challenge with Alison from Get Your Pretty on.

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