
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Christmas Trees On Parade

Hey Foxy Friends! I know I'm on a roll! Two posts one day, say what?! But, I couldn't pass this one up! Terri from Christmas Trees Lane organized this Christmas tree parade. So take a look at some other bloggers and have fun!

Today I'm going to show you our Traditional Tree, in the sense this is where we put all of the random ornaments we've collected over the years. This tree is upstairs and where Santa leaves all of his goodies. Although Baby Fox is starting to think it's creepy that Santa is walking around our house leaving gifts, cause it's in a room that is furthest from the fireplace. So this is our tree, full disclosure, we did this on November 12th. I know super early, but we were traveling the following weekend and then Mr. was traveling for the two weeks/weekend after that. So no time like RIGHT NOW to start.

So here is the tree all finished.

It's a scrawny tree, donated to us by my parents back when we first got married, and they had it for a while before that, so I think this tree is pushing 20, if not more...It's been good to us. I'm thinking next year I might upgrade to a better one...we'll see. Anyway, this is the tree that we put all of our ornaments that we've collected over the years on.

Gotta have candy canes right? For whatever reason the kids wanted them up high...

Tip: Let the kids do their thing and put the ornaments where they want. Yes it's not probably where you put it, but it gives the kids a sense of pride knowing they decorated the tree.

Each year we head to Hallmark and let the kids pick out one's fun to see what they chose each year.

Here are a few favorites this year:

Mini Fox: she LOVES this ornament. Any time she walks into the room, she has to turn it on and dance to it...see video below, minute 2:30. She got this one last year, and it remains her favorite. Although a close second is a tea cup and tea pot, which she pretends she pours and drinks AFTER she dances to the ballerina.

Baby Fox loves this Batman car, it does light up, but it's out of batteries right now. Darn.

This ornament my grandmother gave to me before I came to America. Acutally I was suppose to come here in November, but they didn't put me on the plane, my parents showed up at the airport, thinking they were getting me, to have to go home empty handed and wait another 1.5 months for me to come. My grandma had already bought this. I'm so happy after I got married my mom gave me this.

I think this is Mr.'s favorite ornament. I made this for him with Baby Fox when he was 1. Being born on Christmas just makes this that much more special.

So that is our traditional Christmas tree. Stay tuned, in a couple of weeks I'm showing the rest of our Christmas decorations, actually if you want to join in on the fun, join us at The Blended Blog for a Christmas decoration link up, December 19.

For those that like videos, I put together a video of us putting all of the ornaments fast forward of course.

Thanks Terri for hosting! 

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