
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

10 Random Facts About Me

Last year I participated with Erin for 10th on the 10th and she's continuing it this year, click here for those posts. Well this year she has come up with 12 new topics that I hope to participate in as well!

So here are 10 random facts about me:

1.  I hate bananas, will not eat them, and will not eat anything with them in it. I think bananas ruin all food, it over powers anything they are in.

2.   If I could eat only one food (not dessert) for the rest of my life it would be a bean and cheese burrito. I love them so much.

3.  If I could only eat one dessert for the rest of my life it would be ice cream, if I had to pick a flavor it would be vanilla, I know so simple, but I don't think I would get tired of it.

4.  I get between 4-5 hours a sleep during the work week, I have no idea how I function, but somehow it all works out.

5.  I can't watch anything scary, my subconscious is very active and I'll have nightmares for months after watching a scary movie. I can't even watch Stranger Things, people say it's not scary, but it is, and we had to turn it off 1 minute into watching it.

6.  I have a lot of cameras and tend to buy a new one every 2 years or so, all of my cameras are made by Canon. I have my eye on this (affiliate, see disclosure here) one right now.

7.  I really dislike scrambled eggs, but if I have to eat them I like over easy, sort of, usually only eat eggs when I am on vacation... or when eating a Loco Moco. How do you eat your eggs?

8.  I got a degree in engineering by process of elimination, I didn't like anything else as much. I also got my Masters so that my kids could fill in the little bubble that says their mother has a masters because I want to really be a stay at home mom. (In case you wanted to know, I have my undergrad in Electrical Engineering and my graduate in Systems Engineering, but you probably didn't, but hey this is an about me post, so you're getting useless knowledge about me.)

9.  Mr. just learned about me a few months ago, see there are things you can still learn about each other after being together for so long. I love watching eating videos, like the ones where they eat 20 hamburgers in 3 minutes, or 10 gallons of ice creams, totally random, but I like watching them. I watch Matt Stonie videos the most.

10. I like writing with blue ink pens with a pen point of 0.7, and I don't like liquid pens, I like the old school blue pens with a sharp point. These (affiliate, see disclosure here) are my favorite.

If you want to join in the fun, here are the topics for the rest of the year.

Linking up here

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