
Friday, May 4, 2018

Friday Favorites #162

Hi Foxy Friends! It's Friday! Yay! Today is Baby Fox's first jog-a-thon and is super excited about it. Last year we were on vacation when he had his jog-a-thon, so he's pumped and ready to run. You know all 15 minutes they have allotted the kids to run. haha. So let's get to my Friday Favorites:

Monday: April Favorites
Tuesday: Boxy Charm Unboxing
Wednesday: Currently and Favorite Spring Shoes
Thursday: Sentence A Day

I know I posted two videos this week, who am I? Anyway. It would mean the world to me if you subscribed to my YouTube Channel and check out some videos. My most popular one is How To French Braid Your Hair, with close to 69K views!

This weekend my brother decided to come visit...but first Friday we did dinner some new friends. It's always nice to find another family to hang out with. I see us doing lots of stuff together in the future.

Friday my brother got there nice and early so he could make it to Baby Fox's baseball game. It was nice to see him. I only got to see him for a hot second before I had to take Mini Fox to her soccer game.

So Mini Fox's soccer coach is actually a friend from elementary school. He was one of my brother's good friends, so he was happy to see my brother show up a little later. And coach's sister ended up coming too, so it was like a mini reunion. Yes I am that short.

After soccer and baseball were all over, we headed over to the gym for swimming assessments. It's that time of year again when we get the kids into swim lessons.  They are both water safe, but we'd like them to be stronger swimmers, so we continue each summer with a couple of months of a refresher course.

Then the kids, my brother and Mr. had a huge Nerf war, much fun was had by all.

Sunday my brother left bright and early to head home. Meanwhile we decided to go to the Carlsbad Flower fields to take some pictures. We told the kids if they were really good that we would then take them to Legoland for a bit. It worked and I think we got some good pictures.

The opening of the new Legoland hotel was on Sunday, so we stopped by to check it out.

This picture cracks me up.

In the Hotel courtyard they had a whole playground for the kids. So awesome right?

And they had entertainment for them too, they played hide and seek and other games with them.

Then we headed into Legoland and got on 4 rides in an hour, it was awesome. We thought it would be super busy with the hotel opening, but it wasn't bad.

This guy is tall enough to ride on the boat by himself...wahhh, when did he get so big? What you don't see is Mini Fox crying her eyes out because last time we came she was able to go with my cousin's kid who was 48 inches and both my kids weren't but they all got to go on. I guess they changed the rules, because she wasn't allowed...cue the tears for the whole ride.

We headed home and they went for a dip in the spa.

Pretty darn good weekend from start to finish if you ask me.

Here are some link ups you can join with The Blended Blog. The first Monday of every month we ask and you all answer. This month is all things entertainment, a great way for your readers to get to know you and for you to find new bloggers!

All the other Mondays we have topics for discussion. Please join us!

Also we have a new series out called #AskTBB where you can ask us questions and we answer them. Like, I have 10 minutes to get ready in the morning, what are your go to products. With 13 of us involved with The Blended Blog, there are going to be some great answers! Ask us anything! One of us will have an answer.

You guys...these tips...holy cow...going to try some of them out, but in the mean time, one of her tips for strangers taking photos of you, take the photo of yourself of what you want captured and then show the stranger what you are looking for...what?! many times have you asked someone for them to cut off your head? No just me? Well I'm trying this next time, not that I have people take photos of me when I don't have anyone I know...but next time I'm all in.

Hope you all have a great weekend! Mr. left today for a week, so I'm alone...with two kids...haha, just kidding it's not going to be that bad...right?

Linking up here 

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