In case you missed it this week on the blog:
Monday: TBB Asks - Entertainment Edition
Wednesday: 10 Spring to Summer Transition Pieces
Thursday: 10 Things That Motherhood Has Taught Me
Bonus: On Sunday, Mother's Day, I am posting on my YouTube channel about Baby Fox's birth story. So if you are a sucker for a birth story, don't miss out here.
Last week I got to volunteer at Baby Fox's school for his Jog-a-thon, it was so cute all of the 1st and 2nd graders running around the track. Before picture.
The only picture I got of Baby Fox, he's behind the kid in the hat, next to the tall kid. How is that kid in 2nd grade?! I ran a couple of laps with him too.
After picture, I just love that his teacher participated with them and ran the whole time with them.
With my hot sticky sweaty boy.
We went to our friends house for dinner. I was picking up some food, and while we waited we got some frozen yogurt, makes sense to get dessert before dinner right?
Our friends, the wife was gone to a play, Mr. was gone too, so what do two type A people do while the spouses are away? Organize of course.
This guy followed me around everywhere I went...
Saturday was a really full day. My dad took Mini Fox to her soccer game, while I took Baby Fox to his baseball game. The way the timing worked out Dad and Mini Fox were able to make it to a lot of Baby Fox's game. Baby Fox played a good game.
After all the games we headed to lunch of Mini Fox's choosing. She picked Corner Bakery for their Mac and Cheese.
Afterwards we headed home to change and get ready for a birthday party at Chuck E most favorite place ever...hear that sarcasm?
We went home to meet up with some other friends for dinner. It was definitely a full day. Perfect way to do the first day of many without Daddy. I promise Baby Fox was happy to have friends over, he just didn't want me taking his picture, haha.
The aftermath of 5 kids, mostly two of the littles girls.
Other things that happened this week. Sunday we filmed another video for the kids YouTube Channel.
I got a fitbit and Tory Burch has a bracelet that you can put your fitbit into to make it look like a bangle. I love it! I bought two bangles and a leather band wrap around one. I love them so much more than the rubber band they give you.
Tuesday I wanted to sign up Baby Fox for summer camp and because of the popularity of the camp, you have to sign up in person...this was the line when I got there, insane. Don't worry he got in, and is super excited. Next year he's going to be able to take the full camp, instead of Junior camp. He's super excited about that.
Also the kids are super flexi. Mini Fox has been trying to copy Baby Fox doing his bridge.
Mini Fox finally got it this week! She was super excited about it. The first couple she did I was a little worried about her neck, but she finally got it and can now pretty much do it without my cringing about her neck. (she was getting her hands and feeting into postion and then would use her head to help push herself up...causing her neck to bend in crazy ways).
And of course a video.
I have also been working on my Pinterest game a in I was bored one day and was trying to make highlights for my IG, but ended up making covers for my Pinterest boards (because that took a lot less thought then trying to think of what I wanted to highlight in my life). It's a lot of work, as I have a lot of boards, but so far I'm liking how it's looking. If you don't already, please follow me over on Pinterest.

Mr. gets home tomorrow! Woo hoo! We're so excited to have him back home with us! Just in time for him to be super jet lagged (he's currently 15 hours ahead of us) and for Mother's Day.
Linking up here
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