
Friday, August 22, 2014

Hip Hip Hurray, It's Friday!

Woo hoo, Friday! Hello Friday, I've been waiting for you all week!


I sort of love this video and this song, it's just so catchy, don't hate, I like Taylor Swift, okay I feel better, it's out in the open. 


It's my birthday next weekend and I need a new leather jacket and I'm sort of loving this jacket, hint, hint Mr.

I also need a new purse, this will do

While we got rid of diapers (including night time) for Baby Fox, we still take him to the bathroom when we go to bed, 13 hours is a long time to hold it...I love how sleepy Baby Fox is, he used to wake up fully when we took him, now he just stays sleeping.


I'm nursing Mini Fox here, and Baby Fox always wants to be right near her, loving on her. I love the bond that they've already created.

We actually have no plans this weekend, yay! We'll see what kind of trouble we can get into. It's suppose to be hot, so I know it's going to involve some swimming.

Linking up with: Erika, Andrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites and September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday!


  1. haha, I hadn't seen the vid before. I love the tutu dancing! I love Taylor Swift! No hate! What a cute leather jacket, so feminine! So sweet that he just sleeps through the bathroom break. Man I'd be too scared to wake up Aria, she wakes up and never goes back to sleep!

  2. No hate here!! Love Taylor!! And that jacket is AWESOME...Fingers crossed for you!! Have a great weekend!!

  3. I totally loving that song right now! He is so adorable sleeping while being carried! We are hoping to go full force potty training starting Labor Day weekend. Wish us luck! They have been working on it at daycare and his grandparents house but all he does is sit there :(
    Have a wonderful weekend Sarah!

  4. Precious family photo!! Such sweet bonding time. I'm a total Swifty fan, too!! The video cracks. me. up.

  5. Happy almost birthday! I miss having you around the challenges :(

  6. I really, really, really wanted to hate the new Taylor Swift song. But it's just so catchy!
