
Friday, October 10, 2014

It's Friday Time to Party!

Hey, hey, hey it's Friday! And guess what? I had the day off! Woo hoo! So this post is coming at ya a little late, had to wait till the little humans went down for a nap. Thank you for those days they nap at the same time!


Have I told you guys about Younique? It's my new favorite product. I'm sure you guys have heard the buzz about 3D Fiber Lash. Well I finally decided to give it a try and I LOVE it! Get ready for a bunch of close up pictures of my eyeball (you're welcome).

I don't know if you know, but I have little to no eyelashes...see below:

Now this is me with just mascara on, I use Volum' Expresss the Falsies Waterproof Mascara.

Now this is just one coat of the 3D Fiber Lash.

And then I added another coat, just cause I could, a girl can and will take as much length as she can!

This is how it works: you have a transplanting gel which you apply first, and then you immediately apply the natural fibers followed by another coat of the transplanting gel. I usually have both caps open and do one eye at a time. I cannot say enough good things about this product. I seriously love it and want to scream from the roof tops how awesome it is! I told a bunch of my friends when I started using it, and they wanted to try it too, so I told them I would host a party so that they could try it. I thought I would invite anyone else who wants to try it, here's the link to my party. If you have any questions let me know.


I love that my parents moved close to us, now they can come and walk Baby Fox to and from preschool with me


This happened yesterday, I won the bet. Mr. and I bet that Mini Fox would walk before 13 months 1 week. I had everything below that, he had everything above, I won by 1 week. I'll never let him forget it.


Remember this post? And I asked all of you to vote for Baby Fox, well I won! We won a $50 gift card to Amazon, so Thank You! What should I get?!


This picture cracks me up. It looks like Baby Fox is eating Mini Fox, but in reality Mini Fox is laughing hysterically and loving every second of it.

Linking up with: ErikaAndrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, 
AprilDarciNatasha and Christina for Five on Friday anLauren for High Five for Friday  


  1. beautiful eyes!!!
    I also love that your parents walk with you, super sweet

  2. I have never tried the Younique lashes, but have heard great things about them. They look great on you! And how awesome that your parents live close, that’s such a blessing. My in-laws live behind us…we share a gate at the backs of each of our properties. Congrats on your Amazon gift card win! Whoop, whoop!!! Cute pictures!
