
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Pacifier Mystery Solved!

The days are getting shorter, I'm going to have to find somewhere in my house to start taking my pictures. Usually I take pictures after work, pretty soon it's going to be dark when I leave and when I get home, sigh.

It seems almost impossible that I haven't put this outfit together. So simple on these hot days. I went to Payless to pick up a pair of their Defelex Comfort shoes (and yes they are super mega comfortable) in nude and the sales lady said...I never would have thought to put that turquoise color with purple/blue. Well thank you!

When walking out the door for work, instead of grabbing my jean jacket, I decided to grab this blazer. Not sure if I totally like it, but I'm leaning towards the I like camp right now.

Now onto some random things.

Remember how I told you I was watching this show? Well how perfect was it that Alfonso did the "Carlton" on Dancing with the Stars this week. Made my week.

I'm so ready for cooler weather. I seriously feel like we've been in a constant Spring/Summer mode for the last two years. Last year it rained maybe 3 times and all of our flowers were blooming in March! Seriously? We've had in the 90° weather for the last week or so. We're supposed to be getting a "cold front", you know 80° weather for a few days before it goes back up. This happens every October, why am I always surprised?

I found out this week there can be too many raisins in Raisin Bran. This is the best one out there, they are small little flakes that are chewy and delicious! But every once in a while we get a box where the raisin machine must have had a freak out and dumped 2-3 boxes worth of raisins in...I love raisins, but 10 raisins on each bite is a bit much.

We've had the case of the missing pacifiers. Slowly but surely all of Mini Fox's pacifiers were disappearing. It was like the mystery of the socks in the dryer...couldn't figure out where they were going. Well turns out Little Miss, was throwing them behind her crib...we found 11 back there. LOL, sneaky girl. Mr. retrieved them on Friday and guess what? This morning she was back down to 4...silly girl. At least we don't have to keep buying new ones...just move the crib. haha.

 Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy, Tucker Up


  1. That outfit really is just too cute!!! I love the wedges! :-)

  2. Cute outfit! I have been hooked on DWTS this year! They did great on Monday!
    And man I was hoping you were posting a tip on how to get rid of the pacifier! lol! I can't get Xavier to toss it! Drives me crazy!

  3. Great outfit, love the colors you picked :)

    Cathy Vargas
    Vintage Girls

  4. So funny about the pacifiers - I remember those days! This is one of the cutest outfits I've seen on you - I love those colors together.

  5. Oh my gosh, Mia always throws her behind the crib as well! Silly babes!
    Loooove your outfit! You are so pretty, momma!!

  6. omg the pacifiers! that kills me!
    love all the blue in that outfit, gorgeous!

  7. That’s the only bad part about Fall…the shorter days! That’s a really cute outfit. Love it. I love it paired with the blazer.
