Showing posts with label One Year and Beyond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One Year and Beyond. Show all posts

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Favorite Toddler Outings

I can't believe it's the last week in this round of the One Year and Beyond Series. Time has seriously just flown by! The last topic is toddler outings. There are so many things out there to do, both free and some you have to pay for.

Some things that we have done:

Train Ride, we took our train ride to the zoo. It's a little more expensive than just driving, but Baby Fox loved it!

Which brings us to the next thing, the zoo, this is the San Diego Zoo, it a great zoo and we could have spent way more time there, too bad we had to catch the train back home, else we probably would have stayed a little while longer.

Chicago has a free zoo! It's a really awesome zoo, and you should definitely check it out if you're ever there.

We went to the Ronald Reagan Library, got to see Air Force One, which was really cool. If you ever have a chance to go to any presidential library, go, they have cool stuff that was gifted to them from different leaders around the world.

Some museums even have Groupons out there, for even cheaper entry.

This was a kids museum, as a matter of fact if you have a Bank of America card,you can get into museums for free the first full weekend of the month, cool right?

Aquarium, I think I'm actually going to be taking the kids to the aquarium sometime soon so Mr. can work on some music stuff.

 We also like to head to the mall and go on the rides that they offer there. The fees are usually nominal.


 Ferris Wheel

And of course Good Old Fashion Movie, Baby Fox is really good in the movies and will sit still and watch an entire movie. We were nervous for his first movie, he was almost 3.5 when we first took him. But he did great and we made it a big deal for several weeks leading up to to the big day, and told him we were going to sneak food in and that was part of the fun of going to the movies. He calls the movie theater, "bird feeder", it took us a bit to figure out when he kept saying, I want to go to the "bird feeder"

Then of course there are the fun kid places, made specifically for kids, this is called Play Loud, it's a really cool place for kids to run around and play, it's a little more expensive, but fun for the kids.

Our trampoline park has toddler time, it's $6 for them to jump all they want for 3 hours and it's only little kids, so no need to worry about the big kids jumping all crazy.

 A play museum called Pretend City, this is just what it sounds like, they have a pretend, store, gas station, theater, garden, etc. Everything is hands on and the kids love it! and after 4 pm they discount the prices heavily, you only get 2 hours of playtime, but you know what, after 2 hours I'm ready to go home!

Now onto some free stuff!

There is this outdoor Starbucks area that we love to go to. Mr. rides his bike there with one of the kids and me and the other kid drive there and we sit on the couches they have there and enjoy the weather and the kids can run around without having to worry to much.

Of course I had to add the beach!

Feeding the ducks, that look like they're going to eat Baby Fox...


There are always free festivals going on. This one is was called Up in the Air - it had everything to do with flying, they BMX bikers, Dogs catching freebies, remote control helicopters/planes.

During the summer, all the free concerts/movies in the park. 

Another summer activity, splash parks, these are usually free around here.

We've only done this once, but it was super fun, going to Krispy Kreme to watch all of the donuts being made. Baby Fox sat there for at least an hour watching the donuts. Plus you got a free hot donut while waiting in line, win!

Did you know that the first Saturday every month Home Depot has a free kids workshop? You get an apron and every workshop they finish you get a pin to put on your apron. Some kids have at least 20 of them!

What are your favorite toddler outings?  Check out the other mama's blogs for their ideas  And be sure to link up with us below if you also have a post on this topic. 

In the difficulty of motherhood, it's so important to find other mamas to relate to.  Toddlers can be a handful and leave you wondering what to do next.  This series is here to help you navigate through toddlerhood while being able to relate to other mamas going through the same thing.  We may not always know what we are doing but we give it our best shot anyway.  Come back each week to check out our new topic and read along with the other hosts of our One Year and Beyond series!
Oct 30:   Sick Day Tips
Nov 13:  Favorite Toddler Outings

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Patience, it's something we all lose at some point. You can feel it slipping away, your toddler is driving you bonkers, pushing every button in exactly the right sequence to make you want to scream really loud. I don't think I have any secret to keep my patience in check. Here are three things that I do help me with my patience.


Sometimes I have to take a step back and remove myself from the situation for a minute, recollect my thoughts and go back in to deal with whatever it is that I have to deal with.


Keep things in perspective. What does my child really want, and why is he/she behaving this way? Sometimes it is as simple as realizing that naps didn't happen, so they're just tired. Trying to get to root cause of why they are lashing out at you.


The last thing I do is talk to him. I just tell him what's going on, and why what he is doing is bothering me, or how his behavior is affecting those around him. Sometimes it works, other times, I have to tag team Mr. and really get out of the house. But that's happened maybe once? And then when I think back to what it was that made me lose my patience, I usually can refer back to lesson 2, and realize that oh yea, he didn't get that nap, or he went to bed super late last night.

Not really helpful, I think we as Mamas just need to do whatever it is what need to do to get to the next minute, the next hour, the next day. Some days are better than others and we can't beat ourselves up over it. They won't remember this one incident, but they will remember all the good times and all the hugs and kisses and the love that they feel. Not one moment in time. At least that's what I tell myself.

How do you keep from losing your patience with your toddler?  Check out the other mama's blogs for their tips.  And be sure to link up with us below if you also have a post on this topic. 

In the difficulty of motherhood, it's so important to find other mamas to relate to.  Toddlers can be a handful and leave you wondering what to do next.  This series is here to help you navigate through toddlerhood while being able to relate to other mamas going through the same thing.  We may not always know what we are doing but we give it our best shot anyway.  Come back each week to check out our new topic and read along with the other hosts of our One Year and Beyond series!

Oct 30:   Sick Day Tips
Nov 6:    How to Not Lose Your Patience with your Toddler

Nov 13:  Favorite Toddler Outings

Thursday, October 30, 2014

When Mama is Sick

So this is a funny topic for today, because I happen to be sick. Actually everyone in my family is sick. Baby Fox is just getting over it, Mini Fox was up all night, Mr. is just at day 2ish and I'm starting round #2 with this silly thing...just leave my house already!
A picture when we were all healthy, haha
I think we have it pretty good, since I work full time and we have someone to watch the kids, when I get sick I still have them watch the kids, so I can pretty much lay around and do nothing while being sick.  Knock on wood, when I get sick usually it's just some sort of sinus thing. Which can more easily be ignored, unlike getting the flu or something. I have been really sick (think double eye infection), but luckily it was before the kids arrived and I could literally just lay on the couch and catch up on my shows, although with the double eye infection, it was horrible, but I also worked on my Masters Thesis, so I guess I wasn't totally lazy. I actually finished all of the research while only being able to see very little out of my eyes. For me, I tend to muscle through it. When evening rolls around, I know that it's only a few more hours until they go to bed. Right now Mini Fox still takes an evening nap, so basically from 5-7 she's sleeping. So I just have Baby Fox to worry about, and when I'm sick I admit it, I pop in a movie, cuddle him and try to relax. Dinners are usually some left overs or something super easy like spaghetti. By the time 7 rolls around Mr. is home and ready to help out.
For me, it's what Mr. and I like to call the electronic baby sitter. Sometimes you have to do what you gotta do, even if it's not what you wouldn't normally do. You just need to rest and get better and if that entails watching endless hours of Power Rangers with your kid, then so be it.
*I would like to put this out there, when I am sick, I still do everything that I need to do around the house, when Mr. is really sick, he becomes this huge baby and can't do anything...don't worry he knows he does this and we I make fun of him all the time. Anyone else's husband do this?
How do you survive those dreaded sick days with your children?  Check out the other mama's blogs for their tips.  And be sure to link up with us below if you also have a post on this topic. 

In the difficulty of motherhood, it's so important to find other mamas to relate to.  Toddlers can be a handful and leave you wondering what to do next.  This series is here to help you navigate through toddlerhood while being able to relate to other mamas going through the same thing.  We may not always know what we are doing but we give it our best shot anyway.  Come back each week to check out our new topic and read along with the other hosts of our One Year and Beyond series!

Oct 30:   Sick Day Tips
Nov 6:    How to Not Lose Your Patience with your Toddler
Nov 13:  Favorite Toddler Outings

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Keeping in Shape with a Toddler...or Two

I've talked about post pregnancy body, and how I got back into shape after the baby, but now I'm going to touch on the subject of staying in shape.

Getting back into shape I was at home, I didn't have to go to work everyday, so I could just wake up, get the kids up and go work out with my Stroller Strides group. Which I did 3-4 times a week.

Do you see me?

But now that I'm back at work I have to make time. Carve out specific time to work out. I'm not going to lie, it's hard. It's hard to not come home from work after 12 hours and want to just lay on the couch or play with the kids. We joined a new gym and that motivates me right there, I don't want to waste money in paying for a gym that we're not going to use. So that helps, but right now my schedule is working out on Monday and Wednesdays. I'd like to carve out some time on the weekend for an early morning run, but so far that's happened twice.

I think it's important to make time for yourself. Yes I'm gone for 12 hours a day at work (granted 4 of those hours the kids aren't even awake yet), but I need some time so that I can feel good about me. How does it help my family, if I just feel lousy about myself and how I look/fee? If that means that I get home to turn right around to go workout, with Baby Fox in tow, then so be it. He's come to expect that at least once a week we're going to the gym after work. Lately on Wednesdays Mr. has been working late, so I'll have my parents come babysit after work while I go to the gym for an hour. It's such a blessing to have them so close, so they can come over for an hour or so to watch the kids.

Diet is big too, I try not to over indulge, knowing that I'm only working out 2 times a week, 3 times if I'm lucky. Having food allergies helps too because most things that are really bad for you, I can't eat, so that helps too. I just realized I've never done a post about my food allergies...I'll have to do that soon!

Once Mini Fox is not taking that late evening nap, I'll probably take the kids out for a walk/run on those days that I'm not working out at the gym. I think that no matter what it's important for you to make time for yourself, some time to feel good about who you are and how you look, cause let's face it we all have those fat days when you just feel blah, and if working out twice a week helps lessen those blah days, then I'm all for it!

 How have you fit exercise into motherhood?  Check out the other mama's blogs for their stories.  And be sure to link up with us below if you also have a post on this topic. 

In the difficulty of motherhood, it's so important to find other mamas to relate to.  Toddlers can be a handful and leave you wondering what to do next.  This series is here to help you navigate through toddlerhood while being able to relate to other mamas going through the same thing.  We may not always know what we are doing but we give it our best shot anyway.  Come back each week to check out our new topic and read along with the other hosts of our One Year and Beyond series!

Oct 23:   Keeping in Shape While Caring for a Toddler
Oct 30:   Sick Day Tips
Nov 6:    How to Not Lose Your Patience with your Toddler

Nov 13:  Favorite Toddler Outings

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Busy Toddler Activities

Back again for another week of One Year and Beyond Link-up. Today's topic is Busy Toddler Activities. I'm a working Mom so I don't have to come up with nearly as many busy activities to take up time before lunch, after lunch, before nap time, after nap time till Daddy gets get it, there's lots of time to fill in a day.

This activity is super easy and the kids LOVED it. This is really good for a small playdate everyone was totally involved and had a blast. What is it? Tracing themselves! Life size, of course! I bought the roll of paper at Home Goods for maybe $6?


Another fun kid activity we like to do is bake. It takes up a hour or so, and Baby Fox totally gets into it, every single time. Could be that he likes to lick the beaters when we're done and scrap the bowl, haha. Sugar cookies are the best, cause you have to roll out the dough and they get to make fun shapes.

 This last one we did this week. Baby Fox is really into numbers and asked if we could get some flash cards. Cue me thinking, hey we can make those!

All you really need is a piece of paper, some stickers and some writing utensil. 

First you have to cut your paper, I used a 12 x12 paper and cut it into 16 squares. Baby Fox loved helping to do the cutting.

Here's what you get in the end. In hind site maybe I should have cut them a little bigger? But this worked too.
We used these stamps, and some random stickers we found in his craft box (we started with this kit and then as he uses stuff we replace it with other things)

After I took this picture, I decided that I wanted to write the number in the upper right hand corner and then let him try and write the number.

As you can see after I wrote the number I drew little arrows to help him know how to make the number. As you can see he did #1 himself already.

Yep I think we might have a lefty on our hands


On the back we put stickers and stamps with how many was on the other side. That way we could use both sides of the flash cards, one side was for counting, the other side of number recognition.  We did this project over the course of two days. You could also do this for the alphabet, maybe work on a few letters a week and work your way up to the whole alphabet. Put the letter on one side and then do a picture of something on the other.

Some other things I've heard about that sounds fun are sensory boxes, homemade playdough, and this slime recipe seem super fun too!

What are some busy toddler activities you do? I'd love to hear about them!
 What are you favorite toddler busy bags or activities?  Check out the other mama's blogs for their ideas.  And be sure to link up with us below if you also have a post on this topic. 
In the difficulty of motherhood, it's so important to find other mamas to relate to.  Toddlers can be a handful and leave you wondering what to do next.  This series is here to help you navigate through toddlerhood while being able to relate to other mamas going through the same thing.  We may not always know what we are doing but we give it our best shot anyway.  Come back each week to check out our new topic and read along with the other hosts of our One Year and Beyond series!
Oct 16:   Busy Toddler Activities
Oct 23:   Keeping in Shape While Caring for a Toddler
Oct 30:   Sick Day Tips
Nov 6:    How to Not Lose Your Patience with your Toddler
Nov 13:  Favorite Toddler Outings