Last Thursday I was on the way to the gym, when Mini Fox said she didn't feel good. I was hoping she could muscle through it, but she first said, I have a sore throat, then a block or two later, I have a headache, then another block later she had a stomachache...we headed home instead. She seemed okay when we got home, just watched some tv.
I went out later that night with some friends for a Mom's Night Out. We were going to play bunko, but we didn't have enough people so we went and ate food instead, it was delicious.
Worst picture of me ever, but whatever, I'm having fun and drinking wine.
I had Friday off, and Mr. and I decided to do a day date. We went shopping, which I picked up this bad boy, cause I want to channel my inner Deena.
Then I might have gotten my very first pair of these....awesome anniversary gift, can't wait to wear them!
Then we hit up some lunch at our favorite place.
Friday night we watched a friends daughter while they went on a date, the girls had fun.
We had a pretty awful night Friday night, Mini Fox was up half of the night with a sore throat. She was so sad, whimpering in her sleep. When it was finally time to get up Mr. said he had a sore throat too and was going to take them both to Urgent care. They were both pretty pathetic as Baby Fox and I were leaving for baseball. Baby Fox had a fantastic game, we were so proud of him.
Both Mr. and Mini Fox had strep throat, ouch! They got donuts to make themselves feel better. Not sure what she's doing in this photo.
I took this kid to a birthday party, he had a blast.
Sunday was a lazy morning for this girl. Antibiotics hadn't quite started kicking in yet.
Then I decided to do another craft project, which coincidentally failed, so need to head back to Home Depot this week to get what I ACTUALLY need, not what I thought I needed. Aren't all projects like that?
When I got home this girl was feeling better and spent a few hours outside tending to her fairy garden.
The rest of the night was low key, I went to get us dinner and it took 1.5 hours to get it...the wait was SOOOO long! But it was worth it, so good.
In case you missed it this week, I actually only blogged twice this week, bad blogger, but work kicked my butt and I was tired. This week was all about online shopping. Monday I shared 5 tips how to shop online, I gave you all of my tips and secrets, like how I save $50 on this desk:

Wednesday I shared all of the things I've bought on Amazon. Like this dress, you should get one for yourself, it's a pretty awesome dress for under $20.
Gotta share our latest obsession. We watched the first season over 2 years ago. It was fantastic. The second season came out on Friday and we have been watching it all week. It's 8 episodes and it's freakin' fantastic! It's almost better than the 1st season, the way the wove all the characters together. Stop what you are doing now, and go watch it. You're welcome.
Hope you have a great weekend. My brother is coming to town and Sunday we're hoping to go see Dumbo. Can't wait!
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