Thursday, January 29, 2015

My LIfe in Numbers

I've seen a few people do this type of post, I was going to have a video for you guys, but was too tired to work on it, so you're going to get this instead :)

2...the number of people that haven't gotten sick in our family, fingers crossed!

3...the number of days it took me and Mini Fox to get over being sick

9...the number of years I played the trombone. I will have to find a picture of this for you guys one day.

12..the number of cousins I have

Everyone is here except my brother
6...the number of people in the above photo that are someway involved with the movie/tv industry

10...the number of second cousins (who I refer to on this blog as Cuties) I have

Not all of the second cousins shown here, some hadn't been born yet, but we have yet to get everyone together for that picture
61...the number of days until Mr. and I go on our first mini-vacation without the kids in 2.5 years. To say we are looking forward to it is the understatement of the year! This was taken the last time we went away, we're going to the same city, different hotel, Santa Barbara here we come!

63...the number of days until Mr. and I will have been married for 10 years! Crazy right? Time has gone by so quickly, it's insane. Looking forward to what the next 10 years has in store for us.

The moment Mr. told me where we were going on our honeymoon
And that's all I got for ya. Hope you are all having a wonderful day, it's my "Friday" woo hoo! Going to a screening party tonight, happy to be getting a date night tonight! And tomorrow going out with some girlfriends, yay! Going to be a great weekend, even more great because I won't be sick :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I Just Want to Dance

I bought these pants at Old Navy for $10, how crazy of a good deal is that?! But one problem, they are too big...anyone know how to alter pants? You can't tell from the photos but they do have this flower print on them, in the same color as the pants, obviously, but it makes them unique...I'm determined to make these work and not spend a ton of money getting them altered. I figure I might try on my own since they were only $10, if I mess up it's not breaking the bank. Thoughts?

Sunday was the first day I was feeling okay from the flu, so I threw on some make-up and this outfit and there ya go. I was actually going to wear a different outfit that I found on pinterest, but I left my black blazer at work, so I couldn't recreate the outfit, darn! Maybe some other time...after I alter my pants. Hey I altered the shirt for my Halloween Costume...I can do it with pants too right? Right?

So funny how when I'm doing my make-up I feel like I am wearing so much, but then in picture it barely shows when you see all these fashion bloggers and their make-up looks so great, they must have SOOO much on...crazy.

Love this necklace that I bought at Loft last month, on sale of course :)

Now on to some Dancing Stuff:

Quick note: The title of the post...back in 2005 we were at a wedding of a family friend. The night was dying down and we told my brother we were all leaving, he looks at us straight faced and says "but I just want to DAAAANNCCE!" and starts swaying back and forth, elbows bent...sort of like this, but way slower.

Back to my post:

My Mom loves dancing...Dad not so much. But for their 42nd wedding anniversary, my Dad bought my mom some ballroom dance lessons...and get this, he said he would be her partner. On Friday when they came over they wanted to show off their new skills. I don't think my mom's smile could get any bigger.

Next wedding they go to, they'll be tearing up the dance floor! You go parents!

This one is a quick one, but Mini Fox wanted in on the dancing action.

I think our girl was meant to dance. Ever since we turned on Angelina Ballerina she's been obsessed. Like the first 2 minutes of the show she's copying the dance moves on the show, she's a natural.

Some of her dance moves...everyone does their dance moves on the couch right?

This is turning out to be her signature move, she tilts like this and twirls in circles. Cutest thing EVER!

Any fun(ny) dance stories you want to share?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Current Favorites Under $10

I was going to do a video for you, but couldn't get it edited in time, so that will have to be for another day. Today I bring you my current beauty favorites under $10.


My favorite lipstick: Wet and Wild Stoplight Red 911D

I love this lipstick, I just bought a bunch of colors yesterday, I hope some of them work out, but if they don't, no big deal because they are only $2.29 each and the color really does last.

My favorite eyelash glue: Revlon Precision Dark

I have told you guys I'm allergic to latex? Find an eyelash glue was hard, but I really like this one, although I have to admit this is the only one I've tried, but it works really well, it's black so it hides a multitude of sins, a bonus in my book and it's $3.99

Of course what goes with eyelash glue but eyelashes? These are my favorite, they are simple enough to wear everyday if you wanted, but long and thick enough to also wear at night. I know some people like to double them up, but I personally don't think you need it. Less is more right? These are only $3.49 a pack.

There ya go, some of my favorites right now. and really they were all under $5 so I get bonus points right?

linking up with Andrea and Erika for Favorite Things and with Jessica and Katie for Tuesday Talk

Monday, January 26, 2015

I Had the Flu and Lived to Tell About It

Okay, so that post title is dramatic, but it's Monday morning and I'm alive! Friday I got Tamaflu and I really do think it helped! Whether it is just in my head or it actually worked, I don't care, worth it! I'm not 100% but I'm mostly there, a few more days and I hope to be back at the gym doing my thing (my normal gym days are Monday and Wednesday), and I try to sneak in a run on Friday's after work with the kids.

Not a lot happened this weekend because of the flu. But here are a few pictures I did manage to snap.

While I was on the couch sick Baby Fox went to the beach.

Computer was down on Thursday, so I thought I would get some computer/picture/blogging stuff done while I was out sick, but since it didn't work, I did my nails instead.

When Baby Fox got back he brought me a flower to wear behind my ear, actually he brought two, one of each ear.

Mini Fox thought putting this basket on her head and walking around was the funniest thing ever.

Friday my parents came to help out with the kids since Mr. was going to get home late. Baby Fox wanted to give Mini Fox a ride.

Saturday morning Mr. took Baby Fox on a bike ride/the park to let me get some rest while Mini Fox took her morning nap.

Before naptime we went outside for some baseball. Baby Fox was rocking it.

Mini Fox got some sun in while watching the boys

Not really, she climbed up here and sat there barely long enough for me to snap this picture and then she was on the move again
 She wanted to try and hit some balls too, then realized the bat was bigger then her...

Baby Fox got in some gardening after his baseball session

And guess who forgot Winter? Yep all of our flowers started blooming. Sorry East Coasters, don't hate us.

Sunday I was finally feeling better and actually got dressed to go to swim lessons, it felt getting out of the house!

Sunday evening waiting for dinner snuggles watching Ice Age

I hope all of you had a good weekend, and it wasn't spent being sick, no fun!

Linking up with Faith, Sarah and Heather for Mommy Moments, Bella & Lisa for Weekend Link-up Meg for Mingle Monday and Erin for Weekend Snapshot

Friday, January 23, 2015

What I'm Currently Coveting

Hey all, sorry been MIA the last couple of days, and this post is going to be up late, but better late than never. I got sick, finally called the doc and it's the flu, fun times at my house. Hopefully no one else gets it! Anyway, as always the ladies from the Style Challenge is bringing you another exciting topic. Wishlist: What are we currently coveting. And want to know the honest truth? I have no idea, so I'm just going to keep it real and show you what I just bought today and then maybe two things that I really do want. 

This is very domestic of me, but I needed a new ironing board cover, I finally bought one. Actually I remembered to finally order when I was near a computer.

 I have always wanted one of these. But back in the day when I worked at Sur La Table, they were $35 each! But for $15 I'll try it, even if they don't work out, not too much out of my pocket, plus their dishwasher safe, done deal!

I've been using the same two cooling racks since college! Usually I make more then two cooling racks worth so I'm constantly having to shuffle cookies around, so these are much needed, plus I needed $6 more to get the free shipping, this satisfies two birds with one stone. Perfect.

Okay so here's really what I'm coveting...I've ALWAYS wanted a pair of Christian Louboutin heels. I wonder if they are as comfy as the price suggests? For a cool $ would expect comfort right?

Ever since I was little and saw this print on the purse I wanted it. I had no idea what it was, but I said, one day I'm going to own one of those. So far it hasn't happened, but one day...I love how this has just the hint of pink.

Go check out the other ladies to see what they're coveting.

also Linking up with: ErikaAndrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, 
AprilDarciNatasha and Christina for Five on Friday  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Denim on Denim

Now that I am done for the time being doing Alison's Style Challenge . I need some style motivation rather then going back to my old ways, okay not old, old ways, but wearing the same thing over and over again. So I'm taking a page out of the Sheaffer, Shay, and Mel handbook and I'm going to get Pin-spired.

This is what I found, I thought I have similar things in my closet, I can do this, and it's super cute too.


I don't have black skinny jeans, but I do have some really dark wash skinny jeans. They'll have to do. For work I added a black blazer and I have to say, it looks great with a black blazer as well! I'm absolutely loving this outfit and I never would have put it together, I'm scared of denim on denim...but no more...

Yep this was taking on Sunday and there are flowers blooming back there. We had about 1 week of cold weather and it's back up to the mid 70°

Here are some random pictures I found on my phone:

I convinced Mr. to go to a workout class with me. I was so happy to have in class with me. So much better working out with someone then by yourself. Proof that he actually took a class.

This was from our play date on Friday, but somehow I missed it, but she thought she could get in the walker by herself...turns out not.

The last couple of days Baby Fox said that he never gets to feed Mini Fox, so the last two days he has, and I'm pretty sure my heart melted into a puddle of goo when I saw these pictures.

I told the kids to clean up their mess (you can't even see the floor), and instead they threw all the toys out of the toy chest and got in. Silly kids!

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy, Tucker Up , Shopping my Closet ,  Molly and Carly for Let it Shine and ShaySheaffer, and Mel for a little Pin-spired