Friday, November 30, 2012

Family Pictures

With Christmas coming up, it's that time again we take Christmas photos. Since my brother has just gotten married and moved out of state, it wasn't possible to have a professional photographer take our entire family pictures again like last year. Instead we set up a tri-pod (aka a ladder) and took our own photos in my parents backyards when we were all together for Thanksgiving.

and here are my cute parents, they were my test subjects to make sure the remote control worked, and that the camera was set up in the correct spot. They're going to be celebrating their 42nd wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks! Congrats to them!

You saw a few of our pictures that we took this year in this post but here are a few more of my favorite pictures from our session by the amazing Brittany Keene.

Now that we've done this two years in a row, I'm thinking is this something that we should do every year? What are we going to do with all of those photos? Kids change so much every year and we rarely take pictures together, so I'm leaning towards the - take family pictures every year while they're still growing like weeds. What are your thoughts? What do you and your family do?

This weekend we're meeting up with a friend and her daughter from my the Mommy board I joined back in 2010 for the first time and doing Thanksgiving part 2 this weekend with some friends. Should be a fun filled weekend, what are you doing?  Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I LOVE this last picture. It's sooo adorable. I hope you have it framed in your house!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee
