In case you missed it this week:
Monday: Kids Behind the Blog
Tuesday: Lego Wall Display
Wednesday: Easter Basket Link Up
Thursday: Our Easter Traditions
I also posted a FABFitFun unboxing on my Youtube Channel, go chcck out what I got and why you should be getting these boxes too!
Now that I've started making homemade popcorn (anyone want a tutorial? It's super easy), we've been making it a lot...what better way to wait for daddy to get home than eat popcorn?
Friday my good friend from college came over with her kids to visit.
That afternoon, Baby Fox had a baseball clinic, it was so well thought out and the kids had a blast. Here they are trying to knock down the bins out there.
Saturday morning I found the kids like this. They told me to leave and they weren't ready to get up because Baby Fox was reading Mini Fox a book.
Then we got ready and went to the park for some Easter fun. We missed the egg hunt, but took some pictures, bounced in a house and got our face painted.
I ran to Target really quick to get the finishing stuff for the kids Easter baskets, but found these gems...obsessed! I sent this picture to my cousin who then went out and bought two for her and two for my other must run in the family.
Then Mini Fox had a soccer game...except the other team didn't show up, who does that?! Anyway, we played against ourselves and the girls still had a blast.
Meanwhile, Mr. took Baby Fox to a self defense class at the gym, they learned some great stuff. One tip ladies, if someone is attacking you, pull both of their ears as hard as you can, it will hurt enough that you can kick them where it counts and run like hell. Afterwards he took him to In and Out for burgers and shakes.
Linking up with The Blended Blog for some Friday Loves.
I love Justine's Mother's Day gift idea. I am so doing this for my mom, she' love it!
This is Steph. She wrote an awesome article on the pressures of social media and it taking the fun out of blogging. So, so true.
I need to record what my kids say better. I never write it down, and I figured I would use Fridays as a way to do that. I used to keep up this blog, plus another private blog, but slowly that has turned into just this one, because who has time for that? Anyway, onto this weeks kid talk, hey that would make a good link up once a month...maybe make us accountable for writing stuff down if we know it's for a blog post...hmmm...?? Anyone?
Back Story: At Sunday this week, they were talking the Passion of Christ and how he rose on the third day. Baby Fox is making a cave with pillows and blankets.
Baby Fox: Mama! Do you want to come into my Tomb of healing?
Back story, my cousins have a dog Penny, who recently died. Their other dog is Spade.
Mini Fox: Where is Penny?
Me: She's in heaven now.
Mini: Oh. Is Spade okay?
Me: Yes
Mini: So Penny is older than Spade?
Me: Yes
Mini: Do you think Penny is okay?
Me: Yes I do
Continue this conversation for another 2 minutes in this loop.
My dad takes Baby Fox to karate every Monday, he lives for this because of the conversations he has with him on the way there and the way home. This is what happened last Monday.
Ampa (What Baby Fox calls my Dad): What was the name of the bad guy in Beauty and the Beast?
Baby Fox: I don't remember, that went into my forgotten memory file.
Then he goes into a whole thing about the different memory files he has. If he can't remember something he goes to the lost and found file, and if he does find it then he files it away to the file it should go in. Then he has the "forgotten file" which he says he literally learned it that day and forgot, the "lost and found file", "memory file", "sport file", "karate file" (for some reason it got it's own file), "school file" and then there is a file for everything he just knows, like numbers and letters.
Back Story: My grandmother died a couple of months ago, and we asked the kids if they wanted to go, Baby Fox said no he didn't want to be sad and Mini Fox said yes she wanted to see where Great Grandma was going to be buried. While out eating pizza, just me and her.
Mini Fox: Mama, I miss Great Grandma Jewell
Me: I know sweetie. You know if you want, you can talk to her and she will hear you.
Mini: She can?
Me: Yep.
Mini: Can I talk to her now?
Me: Yep.
Mini: Okay
She then proceeded to closer her eyes, and pray. She said Hi Great Grandma Jewell, and then I started filming this. I'm not sure what she said, but it seemed that she felt a bit better after she was done.
Wednesday on the way home from the gym we grabbed some Chick-Fil-A on the way home and this is what happened:
Baby Fox: Mama, why does Chick-Fil-A have Cows advertising for them?
Me: Well they are trying to be funny, in that they don't want to get eaten, so that why they want you to eat chicken.
Baby Fox: Huh?
Me: Well hamburgers and steak come from cows, just like chicken is from chickens.
Baby Fox: okay, so cows are meat.
Me: Yes
Baby Fox: So are we meat?
Me: Well no one eats us and we don't eat each other.
Baby Fox: Well if a dinosaur ate us, he would find meat in us right?
Me: Yes, but dinosaurs aren't around...
Onto some videos I've seen floating around the interwebz.
It's only 2 minutes, but it's the best 2 minutes of watching, and really makes your heart feel warm and fuzzy. How can you not be in a good mood after watching this?
You too can be a hero, it just takes 60 seconds.
What 27K pennies on a floor looks like, pretty darn cool, but who has time to do that?!
Linking up here
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