Showing posts with label Photo Shoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo Shoot. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Perfect Father's Day Picture

 Hi Foxy Friends! I did a super cute Father's Day craft for Mr. and I thought I would share. I realize it's too late for this year, but hopefully you'll pin this for next year. So this is what we're making.
 What to get the dad who has everything

What you'll need:

40 x 30 poster board (foam kind)
Exacto Knife
Stencil (optional)


Step One - Cut poster board to size. I ended up cutting into three parts because I new I was making one for my dad and Mr. I ended up using two poster boards. I have a lot of them. I used the foam kind because I knew it would be sturdy and the kids could hold it up any which way and it would stand up.

Step Two - Cut out your letters, I measured the width of my board and then made the letters the correct size for the board. The longest word was Daddy, so I did that first and did the other ones. I used a Cricut, but you can use whatever cutting machine you have or cut them by hand.

At this point I realized I needed a longer board for Daddy, so I cut another one.

Step Three - Tape letters down and then carefully cut out...I injured myself doing this, so be careful!

I used double sided tape, you can use whatever you have laying around.

Step Four - As you are cutting it out, you'll realize that the middle of the "D" and the "e" and "d" fall out I used a toothpick to keep it in place, you can't see it in the shadow so it works for me!

See you can barely see them.

Step Five - Find some willing participants and find a place you can take pictures. Our house didn't work because of the way the sun hit it, we would have our neighbors house in the picture instead of our garage like I I hit up Google Maps and looked a nearby parks in our area. I found one not too far from us that worked perfect! Yes I'm insane.

This is what it's going to look like.

This is what we're going for:

But you know what stepped it up a notch? When the kids started doing cute things with their legs.

This one was for my dad. He loved it.

Just make sure you don't do what we do, luckily we caught it before we walked away! Oops facing the wrong way! When I was showing them what to do, I was holding the sign and reading it from their prospective...I was in such a hurry to get the shots in (we were on our way to karate, we had exactly 10 minutes to get these done).

Luckily I realized when we were switching from Mr. to my dad (Ampa). Phew...that was a close one!

So next time you need something for Father's Day for the man who has everything, make these cute signs for the men in your life. They will love it. I might start doing this every year so we can watch their shadows grow!

Linking up here

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Family Photo Outfit Ideas For The Whole Family

Hello Foxy Friends! Fall is here, okay almost here, but in my book it's here, which means family photos and panicking about what is everyone going to wear? Today I'm here talking family photo outfits. Mr. likes to refer to family photos as my Super Bowl...and he's totally right. I love everything about it,  picking out the location, picking out what everyone is going to wear... Except this year I feel super behind...we're getting pictures taken on SATURDAY and I still haven't picked out clothes for everyone! I have bits and pieces that I might use..but nothing concrete. You definitely don't want to be matchy matchy, but you also don't want to look like everyone rolled out of bed and put the first thing on they saw...Enter family outfit #1, is what I THINK we're going with...or something close to this.

Color Scheme for family photos
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Outfit 1

Family Outfit Ideas

Dress / Wedge

Shirt / Jeans / Shoes

Shirt / Jeans / Shoes

Dress / Booties

Outfit 2

Whole Family Outfit Idea

Dress / Boots / Earrings

Shirt / Jeans / Shoes

Shirt / Vest / Jeans / Shoes

Dress / Tights / Boots

Don't worry I have an outfit covered for those of you ladies that don't want to wear a dress in your photos. I personally like wearing dresses because it hides a multitude of chocolate eating sins.  I went for a more neutral look for this one.

Outfit 3

What Should My Family where for our photos

Tunic / Jeans / Scarf / Boots

SweaterJeans / Shoes

ShirtJeans / Shoes

Sweater / Skirt / Tights / Boots

Alright three different outfit ideas for the whole family. I picked blues, yellows and neutrals for these. Anyone have any color schemes they want me to try and put together for next time?

Linking up here

Monday, January 29, 2018

2017 Beach Family Pictures

Happy Monday Foxy Friends! Just getting back from the most fantastic trip to Seattle with some fellow Blogger friends. I realized that I never shared our family photos. We took them in La Jolla Scrips Pier.

Of course a family jumping picture

The kids were so done at the end and just wanted to play in the sand...this is how we do angels, in the sand in Southern California.

Linking up here

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Family Outfits For Pictures

Hello Foxy Friends. This past weekend we did our family photos! I know it seems early, but I like to do them early so we get the day/time we want from our photographer and then we also get less crowds in the background because typically we are picking locations that tend to have a lot of people taking photos also. Last year I gave you 5 Tips to picking out your family photo outfits, and then followed up with some ideas for family outfits, this year I thought I would do some leg work for you as well, and do the same thing!

How to pick out family outfits

*Some of the links are affiliate links and I will  either receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you click on it or if you make a purchase from one of these links, I may also receive a commission on the sale of the product. Click here for my disclosure page.

Family Outfit #1

I'm going to start with what we actually wore this year.
Mom: Dress / Sandals (similar) / Necklace
Dad: Polo Shirt / Jeans / Shoes
Boy:  ShirtJeans  / Shoes
Girl: Dress / Sandals / Headband

Family Outfit #2

Mom: Dress / Heels / Earrings
Dad: Polo Shirt / SlacksShoes
Boy: Sweater / SlacksShoes
Girl: Dress / ShoesHeadband

What is great about the little girls dress, is it comes in different styles for different age groups, so if you have three girls, they all have the same patter, just different styles.

Family Outfit #3

Mom: Dress / Heels / Earrings
Dad: SweaterSlacks / Shoes
Boy: ShirtSlacks / Shoes
Girl: DressShoes / Headband

This dress has the same thing. I love that Gymboree does this, I don't remember them ever doing this in the past, or maybe I just wasn't looking. But in any case, so super cute!

Alright that's it for now, I have so many more ideas floating around in my head, but I'll leave you with these 3, stay tuned for some more casual outfits and some Holiday themed ones.

Linking up here

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 Family Pictures

Happy Tuesday Foxy Friends. Last day of work till the end of the year! Woo hoo...well I'll probably check emails and do small things tomorrow, but from home, so totally counts as not going into work right? Either way, we're knee deep in wrapping gifts after the kids go to bed, so no time to do long intricate blog posts, so I thought I would share our family photos this year. Get ready for a picture heavy post.

Like I said before, this year we took our photos in September, we were still in the 90s and super hot. But the location we wanted, everyone else does too, so in order to get some photos with no other people in the background, gotta get it done early.

This is the one that we ended up using for our Christmas cards.

This is the back of our Christmas Card. I usually like putting the kids faces, but this picture was just too cute not to. I love that they are both in mid air. Too cute.


Some other family pictures that we liked:

Then some of just the kids:

And some with us with the kids.

And a picture that I absolutely adore, totally unplanned and didn't even know Baby Fox had done that until we got the pictures back. Melt my heart.

And that's a wrap, we bribed the kids with Swedish Fish and it couldn't have worked out more perfect. I really hope this is the start of smiley pictures and cooperation...that's probably asking too much right?

 Linking up here