What you'll need:
40 x 30 poster board (foam kind)
Exacto Knife
Stencil (optional)
Step One - Cut poster board to size. I ended up cutting into three parts because I new I was making one for my dad and Mr. I ended up using two poster boards. I have a lot of them. I used the foam kind because I knew it would be sturdy and the kids could hold it up any which way and it would stand up.
Step Two - Cut out your letters, I measured the width of my board and then made the letters the correct size for the board. The longest word was Daddy, so I did that first and did the other ones. I used a Cricut, but you can use whatever cutting machine you have or cut them by hand.
At this point I realized I needed a longer board for Daddy, so I cut another one.
Step Three - Tape letters down and then carefully cut out...I injured myself doing this, so be careful!
I used double sided tape, you can use whatever you have laying around.
Step Four - As you are cutting it out, you'll realize that the middle of the "D" and the "e" and "d" fall out too...so I used a toothpick to keep it in place, you can't see it in the shadow so it works for me!
See you can barely see them.
Step Five - Find some willing participants and find a place you can take pictures. Our house didn't work because of the way the sun hit it, we would have our neighbors house in the picture instead of our garage like I wanted...so I hit up Google Maps and looked a nearby parks in our area. I found one not too far from us that worked perfect! Yes I'm insane.
This is what it's going to look like.
This is what we're going for:
But you know what stepped it up a notch? When the kids started doing cute things with their legs.
This one was for my dad. He loved it.
Just make sure you don't do what we do, luckily we caught it before we walked away! Oops facing the wrong way! When I was showing them what to do, I was holding the sign and reading it from their prospective...I was in such a hurry to get the shots in (we were on our way to karate, we had exactly 10 minutes to get these done).
Luckily I realized when we were switching from Mr. to my dad (Ampa). Phew...that was a close one!
So next time you need something for Father's Day for the man who has everything, make these cute signs for the men in your life. They will love it. I might start doing this every year so we can watch their shadows grow!
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