Wednesday, March 10, 2021

10 Things To Love About Spring

Hi Foxy Friends! Leslie is continuing 10 on the 10th and I thought this month I would participate. This months prompt is 10 things we love about Spring.

Baseball Season: Baby Fox LOVES baseball and I love watching him grow each season.  When I was pregnant with Baby Fox and found out it was a boy, Mr. and I decided we wanted our son to be a Left Handed Relief Pitcher for MLB. Gets paid a lot, doesn't throw out their shoulder, and only comes in for an inning or two...pretty safe position to play.

These were from baseball tryouts a few weeks ago.

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Getting new bathing suits! I know I don't NEED any more, but come Spring, I just need a couple more. I'm really liking the one shouldered scalloped one piece, the multi-colored one and the leopard one piece suits. I also might pick up the blue snake skin one, the zebra print one, and the ruffle ones...okay I like all of the bikini's. I want them all!

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 

I also picked up this cute cover up, what else do I need to get for our trip to Hawaii? I'm thinking some flowy dresses for dinner?

We bought these bulbs several years ago and I didn't realize they would continue to come back each year. But here we are, I just snapped this picture last night, and the second picture is all of the green little spouts coming up. I'm so excited.

Easter! My favorite day at church is Palm Sunday. I love the tradition of reading the Passion. Unfortunately I don't think we're going go this year, but we'll watch it from home.

I love when we switch our mantel from Christmas/winter stuff to Spring things. Right now it's decorated for St. Patrick's Day, and as soon as that comes and goes, I'll switch it to Easter. The kids school had a zoom craft night where they supplied all of the things, and then put it together via zoom class. So those cute bunnies in the middle were what they made, I sort of like it in the middle of the St. Patty's Day stuff.

Easter traditions. Our Easter tradition is to leave our Easter Baskets outside for the Easter bunny. Back in the day, Baby Fox thought it was weird to have the Easter Bunny come in our house to leave stuff, so we started putting them outside the night before.

I just love watching the kids hunt for Easter Eggs. It's so fun to watch their little faces light up when they know the Easter Bunny has come. They were worried last year with COVID that he wouldn't come. Our Easter Bunny knows when you've gone to church and will only come while you are there. They were so worried he wouldn't come. But alas, he came super early before anyone got up, because he knew we would be watching it together downstairs with the backyard in full view.

Excited for some new Spring clothes I just got. I've decided I'm going to wear more skirts this Spring and Summer, I love how comfortable these skirts are, easy waistband and can dress up or down. This white leopard skirt is so cute, and comes in a ton of colors, I might have to get a couple more.

This cute heart printed skirt is so cute, and subtle so you can wear it past Valentine's day.

I love this romper, I'm currently going through a romper phase...I have some more in my cart ready to purchase.
I bought this because I wanted it...not because I needed, nor do I have anywhere to wear it, but I really wanted I hit buy. Now where should I wear these to? The grocery store? haha!

Looking forward to some beach days in our future.

This one is going to be silly, but I have my yearly physical in the Spring time. My whole goal leading up to my appointment is to be the same weight as the year before. So Spring time means eating healthier and making better choices. Which is good on all front, especially with COVID lockdown. Need to loose those few extra pounds I gained before my appointment. So far so good :) I think I'll make it.

If you want to participate and join in on the fun these are the topics coming up.

Linking up here

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