Picking cards shouldn't be the stressful part, so here are my 5 tips to picking out your Tiny Prints Christmas Cards in a no stress, fun way.
Step #1
Go through your pictures and decide which ones are Holiday card worthy. This is Mr. and my favorite part, seeing all of the pictures and deciding which one could be THE ONE. Most times we pick a few out, in case we can't find a card that matches the picture, which we've had happen, so hopefully you got a couple that you can chose from.
Step #2
Go to Tiny Prints Christmas Cards and decide, based off of narrowing down your pictures, how many photos you want on your card. We are a one picture on the front and a couple of pictures on the back of the kids kind of people. It makes it easier that way to filter the cards based on pictures, theme, occasion, etc., so you're not sifting through hundreds of options when you know you're not going to pick any cards with multiple pictures on it.
Step #3
Find the first card that you like, click on "personalize"
It will then give you the option to add your photos so you can see what your card might look like if you choose it.
You'll see all of the pictures you added in this bar.
Then you drag and drop your pictures into the card, Tiny Prints even gives you an option to edit the picture right then and there.
Step #4
Open each card that you like into a different tab, Tiny Prints makes it easy that after you enter your information (i.e. names, salutations) so each tab will have the information filled in for you. Now you can flip between tabs with the cards that you like and start to narrow down your final card. Another great thing about Tiny Prints Christmas Cards is that you can change the colors to fit how you want your card to look.
Over the last few years they've added ways to change even the trim on your card, how cool is that? We've done all the different trims over the years, depending on what it's for. It's super easy to flip through the different trims to see which looks best with your card. See how different the card looks just changing the trim?
Step #5
Now you have the front of your card picked out, now you have the option to add something to the back, for free! Heck if you're going to give me the option to add some more pictures to the back for free, I'm going to take it. I will typically try and chose individual pictures of the kids to put on the back along with a salutation. If you pick the white background it will give you more options for layouts.
Confession: I've used the same greeting the past three years...I found one I really liked, and have been using it ever since, "To a joyful present, and a well remembered past. Best Wishes and for Happy Holidays and a wonderful 2017". My sister who remembers every detail of everything, didn't even pick up on the fact that we've used the same one each year, so you're friends and family won't either. Just makes life easier when you already have it figured out. If you don't find the layout that you like, you can always create one in something like Picmonkey or Canva and import that picture in. That's what I did for our card this year. Usually I like to put a picture of their cute little faces, but this picture of them, was just too cute to pass up for the back of the card.
So there you have it 5 easy steps to picking our your Holiday cards, now get to it! I know I love getting Holiday Cards as much as giving them, it's just so fun to see your friends and family's kids growing up, even if you can't see them all the time. And in case you were wondering, if you have ever sent me a card in the last 10 years, I still have it, so if you want to remember what you sent to me 8 years ago...I'm your girl, haha! I know how much cards cost to buy, I just can't throw them away. What do you do with your cards after the season is over?
Linking up here
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