Hello Foxy Friends! I was on the struggle bus coming up with an outfit, as I was cleaning out my closet, I found this long forgotten dress and remembered how much I liked it. So out it came for you to see. Plus these Tom wedges were my favorite when I first got them, they too were long forgotten. So here is my long forgotten floral outfit, which I might wear to a wedding we have coming up in September. So win for me, no one has seen this dress in probably 8 years, so it's like it's new again right? I might even add a red belt instead of the black to go with the shoes...
When I saw this hair style I HAD to try it out. I realize after I was done that I am pretty sure she used extensions, because there is no way I could get my hair to look that full without them. Next time, but I still think it turned out pretty good. Plus I need longer hair, I think I might have been able to pull it off before the hair cut, who knew 4 or 5 inches would make a difference.
Also linking up with Anne from Anne In Residence and her monthly currently where she gives you the topics to talk about, this time it's snacking (on), anticipating, borrowing, admiring, and purchasing This month her co-host is Shea of Shea Lennon.
Snacking On:
I was at Costco a couple of weeks ago and totally got sucked into these panda cookies...for the kids of course. But I had one over the weekend and now I can't stop eating them. Luckily it was only $9.99 for 30 packs and the packs only have about 10 small cookies inside, so at least when I'm done with the pack I'm done...until I eat another and another.
The two vacations we have planned this month! We're headed up to San Luis Obispo and then Yosemite, both of them are going to be so much fun.
At the moment nothing, I would like to say library books, but ain't no one got time for that. I might be driving myself to work instead of taking my vanpool, so I might be borrowing some books on tape...or is it MP4? Whatever it's called now, I might be doing that.
All the things from the Nordstrom sale...that is so superficial I know, but it's true, haha.
All the things from the NSale. I thought I was done after this post. But nope, I went back yesterday and bought a bunch more...oops!

Tee / Hi Low Dress / Purple Cold Shoulder Shirt / OTS Dress / Floral Cold Shoulder Top / Hooded Sweater / Pants
That high low dress, I might wear for our family photos and they finally had my size, so I HAD to get it right? Fingers crossed it looks as good on as it does on the hanger.
What have you been doing currently?
Linking up here
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