| ONE | Grey's Anatomy
Our number one show is Grey's Anatomy. We've watch every single episode. I cried so hard when one of the main characters died, Mr. said, you better cry that hard if I ever die.
| TWO | OA
Season 2 was just released and woah, it is freaking GOOD! I didn't know where they would go with it for this year, but man did they live up to expectation!

| THREE | 3%
This is English subtitles, defintely go with the sub titles becuase the same voice inflection is does not come across in the English dubbed one. It takes some time to get use to, but it's so good.

| Four | Handmaids Tale
I don't even know what to say about this other then WOW, not sure when the next season comes out, but I can't wait to see what June does next!
| FIVE | Man in the High Castle
Have you heard of this show yet? It's coming up on it's 4th and last season (at least that's what i heard) It's so good, each season you can't even imagine where they are going with it, and they continue to pull you in.
| SIX | Continuum
Mr. and I recently picked this show up. It has 5 seasons and an ending, which we like that we don't have to wait for the next season to come out. It's about time travel, sort of, so if you don't like time travel then this probably isn't for you. But so good, we're only on season 2, but so far each episode you learn more and can't wait to see what happens next.

Any other shows that Mr. and I need to binge watch?
Here are the other prompts if you want to join along next month!
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