Monday, December 10, 2012

Weekend Recap

Warning: Picture heavy post, you've been warned.

Our weekend in pictures

Thursday we went to dinner. When we got there, CVS was right next store and we realized hey we can just stop in and get what we need without using up any of Baby Fox's patience meter.

After dinner we decided to go shopping. Yep driving home, we just got off the freeway and walked around the mall.

Giant ferris wheel behind us
Ultimately we wanted to get a gift for Mr.'s sister and her husband, so we stopped here:

If you have one near you, GO. It was super awesome, they were so helpful and they showed us great olive oil and vinager combinations, one of the vinagers we ended up getting was chocolate flavored...think about that.

Friday I finshed these bad boys, tutorial coming this week.

Saturday I drove up to Big Bear to visit the bestie.

We played this with her kids before she pawned asked her SIL to take the kids and her husband was working all night (he's a firefighter and works 24 hour shifts), so it was just me and her.

 Yep that's me winning $500!

We got some Indian food, yum!

 And because calories don't count when you're with girlfriends, we went to the grocery store.

and because it ws 40° out, we tried to start a fire, being a firemans wife you would think she could start a fire, apparently not, it took a lot of tries, and then finally her husband called and talked us through it, he knew exactly what she had done wrong. Talk about knowing someone...

We ate snacks, watched 2 Life Time Movies and sat by the fire, enjoying some girl time.

Baby Fox's weekend in Pictures via my sister and her captions. 

Grandpa has a new assistant!
My parents took Baby Fox up to the local mall to see it "snow", turns out it was just a GINORMOUS bubble machine

When will this snow fall?

Nope. I definitely don't like this snow stuff. Abort! Abort!

Colton telling Grandpa a story on how he doesn't like this fake snow crap!
This is as close as I am getting to that fat man Nana!

Perfect view!


This one is a statue, so he's kind of okay.
 While I was happy to hang out with my bestie being away from Baby Fox was really hard. But when he got home I think he missed us...maybe, hopefully.

I know we sure missed him!

And that was our weekend, how was yours?

Linking up with these fabulous people today

Sami at Sami's Shenanigan's
Dana at Five 30 Three
and Leeann at Join the Gossip
for "Weekend Update"


Faith at Life of Faith
Sarah at The Not uite Military Wife
and Megan at The Mrs.
for "Mommy Moments Blog Hop"


  1. Your baby is adorable! Lovely post, seems you had a great time this weekend!

  2. Are you serious?? This was just ONE weekend?? You did sooo much! And yes, I agree that calories don't count when you're with girlfriends!


    PS. I think it's a good thing you don't know how to start a fire.. I do hope, however, that you know how to put OUT a fire ;-)
