Thursday, January 29, 2015

My LIfe in Numbers

I've seen a few people do this type of post, I was going to have a video for you guys, but was too tired to work on it, so you're going to get this instead :)

2...the number of people that haven't gotten sick in our family, fingers crossed!

3...the number of days it took me and Mini Fox to get over being sick

9...the number of years I played the trombone. I will have to find a picture of this for you guys one day.

12..the number of cousins I have

Everyone is here except my brother
6...the number of people in the above photo that are someway involved with the movie/tv industry

10...the number of second cousins (who I refer to on this blog as Cuties) I have

Not all of the second cousins shown here, some hadn't been born yet, but we have yet to get everyone together for that picture
61...the number of days until Mr. and I go on our first mini-vacation without the kids in 2.5 years. To say we are looking forward to it is the understatement of the year! This was taken the last time we went away, we're going to the same city, different hotel, Santa Barbara here we come!

63...the number of days until Mr. and I will have been married for 10 years! Crazy right? Time has gone by so quickly, it's insane. Looking forward to what the next 10 years has in store for us.

The moment Mr. told me where we were going on our honeymoon
And that's all I got for ya. Hope you are all having a wonderful day, it's my "Friday" woo hoo! Going to a screening party tonight, happy to be getting a date night tonight! And tomorrow going out with some girlfriends, yay! Going to be a great weekend, even more great because I won't be sick :)


  1. Love this!! I might have to do this at some point. Since I am such a TV/movie geek, I think it's really cool so much of your fam is in the entertainment industry. And a screening party?!? Very cool!! Your vacation sans the kiddos is going to be fabulous...jealous, I've heard Santa Barbara is incredible!! Have a fun weekend!
