Monday, June 16, 2014

We Did Stuff, But The Coolest Part Is That He Swam!

This weekend, big things happened for Baby Fox. We went swimming, not a big deal you think right?

Well then this happened:

yep, that's right my 3.5 year old just swam across the pool! We told him that if he swam across the pool he could earn a pair of goggles (our reasoning is we want him to learn how to swim without goggles, cause if he falls into a pool, he's not going to have goggles). Don't get me wrong, he would still drown if he fell into a pool, but it might happen a few seconds slower then everyone else. But it's step in the right direction, yay Baby Fox!

We got in our baths and then headed out to Yogurtland, yep before dinner, time to celebrate!

incase you were wondering, he got m&m's, 1 sour gummy worm, 1 gummy bear and some red boba
Then we headed to Big 5 to get his goggles! Only to find out that Big 5 went out of business, yikes! Good thing for smart phones we found another sporting goods store.

So many to chose from..

But he chose these bad boys!

Then we celebrated some more with some yummy Mexican food.

Yep, we are those parents that buy ourselves a drink and then give our kid in what you see is all he got, he thought he was too cool

And today was the last day that Baby Fox was in diapers, we're nap and night time training him, we're going ballz out and going cold turkey. Bottom line, I did a lot of laundry this weekend, wish us luck. I'll do a post about it when we're done and claim success.

Saturday morning I was back at the gym, doing some butt raises on the ball, and some leg presses, it's quite hard to take pictures of yourself working out...luckily no one is at the gym at 7am on a Saturday, so I took a LOT of pictures.

We had yet another birthday party. Let me tell you how cool this party was, it's theme was "breakfast at Tiffany's" so everyone got to wear their PJ's...comfy right?

Here's the birthday girl and her Mama and cousin.

For dinner Baby Fox wanted eggs, and he wanted to feed some to Mini Fox, he loved feeding her, and I think she loved the eggs too! So this was her first real chewing type of food, besides those puff things that turn into mush when they get wet. So she ate what we thought was the equivalent to a quarter of the egg. We're thinking she's doing awesome, and that she loves it...

We pick her up after she's done and guess what we found? Yep she didn't eat all of it, like we thought. but hey, some of it made it into her mouth right? It's a start.

Sunday was a really good day too, Father's Day. We celebrated both Mr. and my Dad (Mr.'s Dad too, but that was through a phone call). Mini Fox it's pretty cool being on top of Mr's shoulders.

We got some baseball practice in before nap time.

Then after nap time my parents and sister came over for some swimming and fun. Well Mr. and Baby Fox did the swimming while everyone else sat around and ate guacamole and chips. Ampa and his little chef BBQ'd the best shrimp EVER.

Ms. Serious and my sister.

Turns out we had a dinner of all salads and shrimp. Potato salad (Mr's favorite), Cole slaw, fruit salad, and a green salad.


One of these days I'll get into a picture.

My plate, I made some rice since I knew I wouldn't be able to eat the potato salad and wanted some carbs with dinner, cause Carbs = My BFF

 Before we continue I have to bring this Nana Moment:

Let me set it up - we had the green salad but no one likes putting salad on their plate with dressing and have it mix with your other food (minus Mr. he thinks it's awesome, weirdo). So when we sat down, I said and no one had green salad on their plates I said I'll put something out so we can put our salads on it. Fast foward to me walking into the house and realizing we were out of bowls, so I put some salad plates out.

Me: I put some salad plate out for you guys.

Nana/My mom: For what?

Cue everyone staring blankly at her for asking that.

Mr.: (with the slow) Salllad....

Nana/My mom: Oh...(starts laughing)

Sometimes I wonder about you Nana!

Little Miss lighting up when Ampa was waving at her.

Ampa with his grandkids, love this picture!

That was our weekend, oh wait, I forgot to add the part...first have I told you guys about my fear/obsession with ants? I hate them with a passion. We got ants and I got obsessive and pulled everything out of the cabinets and sprayed, currently our pots and pans and random things are on our dining room table...kicking it until we figure out our next move against the battle of the ants. And when I say ants, it was really 2 dozen or so, but I'm fairly certain they told their friends and we're expecting a full frontal attack any day now.

Linking up with Faith, Sarah and Heather for Mommy Moments
Carly and Molly for Funday Monday
and with Bella & Lisa


  1. What a weekend! You have a gorgeous family. Funny thing is my son jumped in the pool at that exact age and swam across by himself. My husband and I just shrugged our shoulders and said "guess he can swim now!" They are such little fishies!

  2. Saying hi from the linkup! What a wonderful weekend! And your kiddos are just the cutest!

  3. so cute!!! I love that's he's swimming!
    The pj theme is such a cute idea! I may have to borrow that one year!

  4. Yay for swimming, and those are awesome goggles! Excellent pic. LOVE the serious face pic with the egg, the first one. I'm figuring this thing out mom! I always find funny things in Aria's high chair when I've been thinking she's eating great! Kids =) And, that last picture is really great.

  5. Way to go little baby fox!! That's pretty awesome. Matthew is starting his 'daddy and me' swim lessons today. Hoping once he finishes that, he will get to move to the big toddler class.

    I've said it before, you guys always have such fun weekends with family! Lots of memory making!

  6. Adorable! Looked like fun :)
