Monday, September 8, 2014

Baby Fox Starts Preschool and a 5K

So Friday was Baby Fox's first day of preschool...there were tears...a lot of tears. I wish I could say there were from my end, but unfortunately it wasn't. But he was excited, until his teacher opened the door, then the waterworks started.

We started off with pictures at home... I had this really cute sign I made, but then I couldn't print it out...darn. So a hand drawing will have to do.

Walking there, all was okay...

Yep, gotta get a selfie in

He got tired of walking, so I carried him the rest of the way. Lazy bum.

Before we knocked on the door, he asked us if we could just stay for 5 more minutes

Then she answered the door...and all hell broke loose. He couldn't stop crying, and wouldn't let go. It was so sad, and I couldn't handle it. But we had to let him go, so the teacher held on tight as Mr. and I tried to walk away as fast as we know trying to rip the band-aid off as fast as possible style. Good news though, by the time we walked home, the teacher had called and said he was playing in the backyard and doing great. This morning, was the same, except on the walk over he pretty cried the whole way saying he didn't want to go (so I'm told). We'll see what happened during the day, I'll keep you posted.

Our walk home

The our daycare provider had a doctors appointment so I was on Mini Fox duty.

We ate some breakfast

She played the piano while I tried to get some work done. Work was not happening so we played around in Daddy's office area.

After school I took just Baby Fox on a special first day of school treat.

After naptime we made some desserts for going over to my aunt and uncle's house on Saturday. Fact: Did you know that angel food cake takes 12 egg whites and Creme Brulee takes 10 egg yolks? Yep so I made both. It's super easy, really, much easier than you would think...Seriously. And who doesn't love to use a torch to crisp up some food? That's Mr.'s favorite part of creme brulee.

Checking to see if the egg whites were whipped enough

Baby Fox is eating a grape
Saturday was pretty low key, we knew were going to be going and spending the night at my aunt and uncle's. Mini Fox explored one of Baby Fox's toy bins

What do you do when you're out of ketchup for your hotdog? Well use the almost expired whipped cream of course. Eww, but he seemed to think it was pretty cool.

After naptime we headed to my Aunt and Uncle's. My aunt (far back), Cousin #3 (red shorts), her husband, my sister, Baby Fox, Mr. and my Uncle (back towards us)

Cutie #4 and Baby Fox, love watching them play together, they are just too cute for words. They were both asking about each other the whole day. As soon as we walked in the door, Baby Fox went running around looking for her.

My sisters version of a healthy dessert

Seriously, she brought all of this individually and the put it together at the party, crazy awesome right?
 Before going to bed, I got to brush my teeth and what do I find? Yep Mr. packed Baby Fox's bubble gum toothpast. I told Mr. that he brought the wrong toothpaste, and he says, no I thought it would be fun. Fun it was not, brushing your teeth with bubble gum toothpaste is really gross, and it doesn't make you feel like you have clean teeth, gag!

Sunday we were up early for our 5K for Eveyln's Breast Friend Forever. From their website:

Our mission is to unite women with breast cancer through unifying social events. Together we are committed to support and enrich the lives of those we touch.Through fundraising, volunteer support, donations and ultimately financial generosity, our vision is to help raise the self confidence of women with breast cancer by providing funds to pay for breast reconstruction to uninsured women.
Unity is not our wish, it is our goal.

 It was seriously the most perfect weather for a 5K, even if I was dying and couldn't walk because it hurt more to walk, so I just kept going. Yep I pushed both kids in the Double Bob, for 3.1 miles. I did finished in about 36 minutes, 12 minute miles, not too bad. But I was dying, my legs hurt today :)

Bright and early

 All fresh and ready to go

Race is about to start

Baby Fox decided he wanted to get out and run for a bit, and when I say a bit, I mean like 10 seconds.

Beautiful view right? This is mile 1.5 or so.

Aunt and Mr. already got to the turn around and were headed back, I was happy to see them, meant I didn't have too much farther before the turn around.

I'm all hot sweaty, just finished maybe 5 minutes prior, they had been done for a while longer.

Selfie after running, still smiling

We told Baby Fox that we would take him to Starbucks if he was good during the run.

Waiting for our drinks/food

She finally fell asleep for a bit on the way home, I love bare baby feet. I don't want to put shoes on her...good thing she's not walking yet.

After we got home, everyone took a nap, well Mini Fox, not so sure, she "woke" up 1.5 hours before we thought she was going to...and she took a solid late nap, and then practically put herself to bed last night.

It was a great weekend with family and running. Even though I complain, I'm so glad that we're able to be with family, run at the beach and are able to support a great cause.

Linking up with Faith, Sarah and Heather for Mommy Moments
and with Bella & Lisa


  1. ugh what a super not fun preschool drop off experience. Um fingers crossed that gets real better real fast! Sad!
    oh man, 5k with a double? You are a little bit insane! Great job doing it though!

  2. Oh my gosh those pig tails on Mini Fox!!! TOO CUTE!

  3. So cute! and that toothpaste really is gross haha

    Thanks for linking up for our weekend recap!
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