Thursday, June 9, 2016

Kids Behind the Blog and Picture Perfect: June Edition

Today you get a double hitter. It just happens that Kids Behind the Blog and Picture Perfect land within a day of each other and I already had something planned, so I figured, they both have to do with my kids, lets combine them! 
First up is the Picture Perfect Project. I decided to make this about capturing an intentional pictures for the yearly calendar we do for the grandparents. I know they look forward to getting them, and last year was a disaster and super hard to find a picture for each month. So this year, I decided to take an intentional picture I was going to use for the calendar. This past weekend we were at the Lake, so what's more appropraite for a June Calendar than a picture by the water? It was taken with my iPhone, but I love it, it's just so sweet.

Next up Kids Behind the Blog with Crystal, Beth, Meghan, Jessica, and Stephanie. While I we were at the Lake I asked the kids a few questions. Their answers were so cute.
Baby Fox Age: 5 years 5 months
Mini Fox Age: 2 years 9 months

Baby Fox

What do you like doing with Daddy? 
Going to the movies.

What was Daddy like as a little boy? 
I don't know

What’s Daddy’s favorite food? 

What does Daddy do at work? 
Work on computer.

What is your favorite memory of Daddy? 
Going to the movies.

Mini Fox

What do you like doing with Daddy? 
Um go to park with Daddy.

What was Daddy like as a little boy? 
Mini Fox: Um...too....
Me: What do you think he was like...
Mini Fox: Um Mashed Potatoes?
Me: oh you think he liked eating mashed pototoes?
Mini Fox: Yeah...

What’s Daddy’s favorite food? 
Mini Fox: Steak
Me: Anything else?
Mini Fox: Umm..Park with Mommy!

What does Daddy do at work? 
Mini Fox: at his work. 
Me: What do you think he does? 
Mini Fox: He throws down there..

What is your favorite memory of Daddy? 
Um...go to ticket store to buy tickets...and go on the rides and on Chuck E. Cheese.

Go check out what she says at 1:44, it's super cute, I asked her if she had anything else to say.

Linking up here

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