Monday, January 21, 2019

Why I'm Not Setting a Resolution This Year

Happy Monday Foxy Friends! Man the weekend seems to fly by and before we know it it's Monday again.  Today over on The Blended Blog we're talking about our resolutions, goals, etc.

Every year I try to set a resolution, over the years, it ranges from things to help myself, such as learning how to do my make-up, learning how to do my hair, or organizing my home. You can see them all here.  Last year I said I wanted to do Yoga, I wanted to give it a fair chance...and I failed miserably. I did it for about a month and just found that I did in fact hate it! I thought by making it a resolution, that I would start to like it. I did not. It was a chore that I HATED doing.

So this year, I'm not setting any resolutions. No word of the year. No specific goals like learning how to do my make up, hair or organizing the home. This year I'm going to work on being more in the present with my family, friends, job, etc. I guess you could say this is a goal, but I realize that so many times I'm thinking 3 days ahead of where I am, that sometimes I forget to enjoy what's right in front of me.

I rarely sit down with the kids to watch a movie. I'm going to try to do that more often, because that is what they are going to remember when they look back on their childhood. All those times I sat with them to watch a movie, played Chutes and Ladders, or made what they wanted for dinner. Because in the end it's all about the people around us.

So this year, it's all about the people in my life. So friends/family get ready to hear a lot more from me. Whether it's a text to say hi, or plans to do something.  Also, thank you for all of those in my life who make my life what it is today. Okay enough of the mushy stuff. What is your resolution this year? Or goal, or new beginning? Tell me below and/or go link up over on The Blended Blog.

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