Thursday, February 27, 2014

TBT: House Edition - Front/Back Yard

Last week I showed you the outside of our house.

This week we'll keep with that theme and I'll show you the front/back yard, it's s doozy.

Since our house was a short sale the yard had been neglected for over a year, so things were a bit over grown.

Let's start with the front yard:

You could barely get to the front door. The only reason the grass is semi short was that our neighbor across the street just got tired of looking at over grown grass and would cut it every once in a while.

Yep you could barely get to the front door without being attacked by the plants

The front door was this lovely burnt orange/brown color

We took most of it out, as you can see, doesn't it look so much prettier? 

Now onto the back yard, that's where it got REALLY messy!

Let's look at the palm tree in the center, do see those little berries on the ground, they're not that little and they are SUPER annoying!

Here's a close up in case you wanted to see the sheer volume of those things.

Here's a close up of the back part of the picture above.

Here's the middle left of the yard. See those two palm trees on the right of the picture?

That planter - yep it's actually a planter, is show below, the fountain is in it.

 A picture of the back part of the yard, I'm standing in those berries, looking parallel to the house.

This is the left side of the pool area, there was barely enough room to walk on that side with how overgrown the plants were.

A close up of that area

The second thing we did after hiring the painters for the outside, was hiring a place that would clean this up. In case you didn't notice there are approximately 427 palm trees of all different varieties, and we took most of them out. We did keep those two palm tree in the fountain planter (not sure why, we would later regret this decision, mostly be because apparently that tree grows berries too, but just didn't have them when we moved in).

And here is the after pictures:

So much better right? We did keep 3 palm trees out of the 20 that were there (yes there really were 20)

Now onto the side yards:

Mostly we just cleaned it up and of course got rid of most of the plants

This is standing at the pool area looking forward

This is standing at the gate to the front yard looking back, now that it's all cleaned up it looks nice, look how nice those rose bushes look (this picture as actually taken about 3 years after we moved in, so we didn't even know the rose bushes were still alive)
 Other side yard

Look at that ivy, totally out of control, growing on the ground!

All cleaned up and looking pretty.

So there you have it, our yard space. We ended up completely remodeling our back yard about 3 years later, but that's for a different post.

So what do you want to see next?


  1. I cannot believe how many plants there were before!! Holy forest!

  2. Love love love home tours and house decor!
    Your backyard looked absolutely gorgeous! So much potential when you got it and you turned it into something beautiful :) Love!
