Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Like Mommy like Son

 I know I told you I wouldn't do another pregnancy post, but this was too funny not to share.
I have been really bad about taking pictures this pregnancy, I finally remembered on Sunday.
Baby Fox wanted to take a picture too, does this pose look familiar? haha, funny kid.
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Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend Recap

Saturday was the usual swim lessons. Why do I always just hold the camera and then not take picture? I have no idea...one day I'll remember. We told Baby Fox that if he had a really good lesson that we would take him on a surprise outing. Well he did fantatic this week (swam the width of the pool, by himself, granted he would still drown if he fell in). So where did we take him? To In and Out, to get some french fries. For those not from California or the surrounding states, it's good, must go to place if you ever visit here.

He was mor interested in the french fries then taking pictures.

Doesn't that burger in Mr.'s hand make you want to come to California?
Saturday afternoon I decided to make some blueberry muffins. It's a gluten free mix, if you have allergies to one of the top 8, plus corn then this is the company for you. Seriously, so good.

I recorded Cinderella from ABC family to see if Baby Fox would like it, he typically doesn't like movies with "people" in it, but since Cinderella has mice and cats and stuff, I thought he would like it. Baby Fox loved it, we even let him watch it during dinner, he ate the most dinner he's ever eaten and asked to watch it again after it was over.

Sunday was relaxing. Went to church and then played around. Before naptime it was really hot outside and inside, so we let Baby Fox run around in just his diaper to cool off. This is what he came up with...

Yeah we were shocked that he jumped off the slide too. He thought it was super funny and kept doing it over and over again.

Then we went over the Nana and "Ampa's" (grandpa) place for dinner.  Dancing was invovled

Baby Fox found these pair of binacolurs in the toy bin and thought watching some tv with them was the best thing since sliced bread. *note the tv is only 7 feet away.*

It was a great weekend, and guess what today is?

My last day of work! Woo hoo! Going to enjoy my time off with Baby Fox, and hopefully get everything done that I need to get done before Mini Fox gets here, I have so much to do!

How was your weekend? What does your week look like?

I need to get my car oil changed, going to make time this week to do that.

Linking up with Faith, Sarah and Megan
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Friday, August 23, 2013

Cookie Or Cream?

We gave Baby Fox his first Oreo cookie a few days ago, and after three rounds, he's decided that he's...a cream first kind of guy.

Which are you?

When I could eat Oreos (they were my vice, like I could eat a whole package without batting an eye) I was a cookie girl, I like the sandwich as a whole and no other way. Not dunked in milk, just plain and simple.

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Tutu For You A Tutu For Me

Remember this picture from Monday? If you guessed tutu, you were right! And now I'm going to show you how to make these simple girly fun skirts.

I have fully embraced that I am HAVING  A GIRL in less then 5 weeks. I decided, hey what do all little girls love? Tutu's. Online I went and discovered they are pretty expensive to just buy. Off to Google I went. Turns out making tutu's is seriously one of the easiest things ever. It's a pretty close process to my monster wreath . I used this and this tutorial as reference, but ended up making it my own.

What You'll Need:

Tulle - 6in wideth (I got mine from The Ribbon Retreat, super cheap tulle in all colors and reasonable shipping) $2.95 per roll
Silk Ribbon -$1.99
Sissors - free
Cardboard box, or something to wrap your tulle around - free


Step 1: 

First you need to decide how long you want your tutu to be. I knew this was going to be for my newborn, so I figured 6 inches was enough, so you'll want to double that amount, so the final length will be 12 inches.

Step 2: 

Start wrapping the tulle around your template. It doesn't have to be tight, or exact.

side note: If you can't find rolls of tulle, you can buy the tulle off the bolt from somewhere like Joann's, just follow my monster wreath instruction on how to cut a bolt of tulle.

Step 3: 

Once the entire roll is gone, or however much you want to use, cut both ends

Continue this for the rest of your tulle colors, if you have more then one.

Step 4:

Cut the ribbon, I decided that I was going to make my tutu part 15 inches and then I added 12 inches on either side so I can tie a nice bow around her waist. So I needed a total of 39 inches or so.

Then I tied knots where my 15 inches started and stopped

Step 5: 

Here comes to fun part, tying the tulle around the ribbon. The first few are awkward, but once you get in a groove it goes really quick.

For this example, I decided to double up on the tulle, and I combined the pink and white tulle.

                       a) layer the tulle together
                       b) create a loop
                       c) put the looped tulle on the back side of the ribbon
                       d) put the loose ends through the loop (the ends don't have to match exactly, but try to get it
                       e) pull tight (doesn't have to be too tight), and adjust so that all of the knots line up

I have orange nails because when I asked Baby Fox what color I should paint them, he said orange. Who am I to deny him his favorite color

Step 6:

Once you have a serveral knotted, you can push them together, however you want. If you push them together really tightly then you're going to have a more full tutu, if you lets small spaces between, you're tutu is going to be less full. Because I doubled up on the tulle, mine was pretty full, even leaving slight spacing.

And this is what it looked like finished. You can trim some of the bottom, to make it more even if you want.

Step 7:

Because it's so addicting and you realized that you cut up all the tulle and only needed about 1/4 of that much, make 3 more!

I ended up making the other tutus with just single layers. Along with the pink/white one, I made an all white one, and two grey and pink ones. I did one alternating the grey and pink and then I did another one where I did three grey and 1 pink (I did that mostly because I didn't want to waste any of my tulle and that's what I had, no I didn't count it out, I got lucky that that's how the numbers worked out)

I did end up trimming some of the tulle after I took the pictures.
And now my little girl is all set for her newborn photo shoot and being all girly, gotta love it!

The first tutu (pink/white one) took me about 30 minutes to make, that includes the cutting cardboard, and wrapping all three colors of tulle. Once everything was all set, the rest of them took me only 15-20 minutes to wrap around the ribbon. Obviously it would take longer if your waistband is bigger then 15 inches.

Now go out and make a tutu for your little girl, the girl next store or for your next baby shower, it's addicting, seriously. I think I'm going to make another one for Halloween.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Whatever Wednesday - Obituary

Well Shay and Alissa came up with a slightly morbid topic today. Although I do have this fascination with death. I often wonder (probably too much) would anyone show up to my funeral? Would anyone care? Or would I be that funeral where only 1 or 2 people show up. I'd like to think that more then that would come. Anyway, thinking about obituaries and what I want said...hmmm...??? Here it goes.

Sarah C, born August 30, 1979 left this world alongside her husband peacefully in their sleep (think The Notebook - movie edition). They always said that they didn't want to live in this world without each other, so they left it together. They leave behind their 2 children, Baby Fox, his wife Jillian and their 3 children,  Elizabeth, 25, Cameron, 22, and Matthew, 20 and Mini Fox, her husband Daniel and their 2 children, Michael, 24, and Natalie, 22.

Sarah loved her family more then anything and loved enjoying time and spoiling her grandchildren. She loved to travel with Mr. and her family all around the world but said that her RV trip to all 50 states in one summer was one of the best times of her life. 

She was an engineer by process of elimination in college, but really loved to try and be crafty and loved to cook for her family and friends, even though she couldn't eat most of what was being served. She thought having her nails painted and hair done made her feel good, so she got them done weekly.

She lived by this motto: you can have all the money in the world but if you don't have good family and friends then you don't have anything at all. And she did just that until the day she died.

And that my friends is what my obituary would say. Yep I made up a bunch of grandchildren to spoil and take around the world with me, cause you know I'm going to be rich enough to do that.

So what would your obituary say?

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Knowledge You Didn't Think You Needed, But Do!

This is seriously the best tip I have ever received. I didn't even know that I wasn't doing it correctly. Okay I guess there are different definitions, but still, best tip EVER!

I'm going to tell you right now, how to reheat pizza. Yep that's right, this way is sure fire way to make you make you feel like you're eating it for the first time.

My trick?  First heat it up in the microwave, need to get that cheese nice and melted (for those that eat cheese).

Second, and this is where you're mind is going to be blown. It's faster then a toaster oven reheat to get that crust crispy again. Ready for this mind blowing tip?

Put it in a hot skillet, you know that pan that you cook eggs in? Use that. Toasts up the bottoms of that pizza, so no more soggy left over pizza. *warning, the bottom cooks faster then you think, so don't let it sit there too long, it goes from being awesomeness to burnt in a hot second. Don't walk away.*

I know, mine doesn't look as good as one with hot gooey cheese, but it was very good, and I will definitely get this when baby comes when I need something to eat and need someone to deliver me something yummy to eat.

Random sidenote: Mr. likes cold pizza and never heats his pizza up.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend Recap

I can't believe how lazy I've been, okay not really lazy, but picture lazy. I really need to get an iPhone, so I don't have to carry my camera around with me, I always forget it, or I have it, but too lazy to get it out. Perhaps a phone that actually takes pictures will be different?

I had Friday off, we didn't really do anything, lots of errands. When I told Baby Fox that we had errands to run, he said "Target?" Perhaps I go there too much with him. But nope, that wasn't on the list of things to do. We did Hobby Lobby, Payless, Kohls, and Home Depot, random list of stores right?

Baby Fox got creative and found a "cup holder" for his juice, you know cause he needs access to his drink at all time while playing.

Saturday night for dinner we ordered pizza.  Okay Mr. got real pizza (on the left), I got a gluten free, cheeseless pizza, but still counts. It was the FIRST time we had pizza delivered to us since we've been married. Yes you read that correctly, in the 8.5 years we've been married we've never had pizza delivered. It was heavenly. The pizza was good (first pizza I've found that I can actually eat the crust/sauce), and I didn't have to make it or pick it up, win.

Sunday Mr. and Baby Fox played a little baseball, and by baseball I mean 2 minutes of it. Hey he's 2.5, what do you expect? Mr. asked me to throw him a ball to hit, apparently his back/hip probably isn't doing that great, he hurt himself swinging the bat.

After swimming and before dinner Mr. got out the ice pack to ice his back, Baby Fox informed me that he needed his owwie foot  (it's actually a teething toy shaped like a foot (gross I know), but when he gets hurt we have various cold things that we call Owwie turtle, owwie elmo, owwie foot to help his scrape or bruise feel better). He procceed to lay on the ground on put the owwie foot on his back.

He's showing me exactly where the owwie foot goes, if you look closely you can see a small green thing at the small of his back. Someone wants to be just like Daddy.

And this weekend we did a few projects for Mini Fox.

I used these things:

And made this...tutorial coming this week! Can you guess what it is? I actually had enough material to make 4 of these things...

Only 1 week and 1 day until maternity leave...The countdown has begun!

Linking up with Faith, Sarah and Megan

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Whatever Wednesdays - TV Shows

 This weeks WW topic is Top 5 TV shows, not 3, not 7, but 5. It was actually a lot harder then I thought to come up with 5 TV shows that I absolutely must watch, can't miss type of thing. Hard to chose just 5, but I think these are it.

All pictures found via Google Images

#1 - Grey's Anatomy

This came out just as Mr. and I got married, it was the first show we really started watching together and have watched every.single.episode together.  No matter how bad the storylines get, we continue to watch. I can't tell you how many times this stupid show has mad me cry. We're in it till the end. Which in our estimation, should be soon, right?

#2 - Gilmore Girls

Cheesy, but true. I have actually watched this series in it's entirety again when Baby Fox was born. Reminds me of those nights when I would snuggle up with Mom and we would watch it together. Good wholesome TV watching.

#3 - Dawson's Creek 

This show was really big when I was in college. Every Wednesday night my roommates and I would gather around the TV and watch DC with a pan of brownies. One of our guy friends would happen to stop by on Wednesday nights because of the brownies, but we knew better, he really wanted to watch DC.

#4 - Gossip Girl

I know right? Who watches this any more? But I loved it the minute it aired "your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite." Granted it got weird in the middle and stuff, but I was committed and had to see it through till the end. Which by the way, I liked the ending and thought they ended it really well. No wondering what happened to people, etc. I hate when they leave shows with unanswered questions, tell me what happens to people, that's what we all really want to know. "And who am I?! That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me.. XO XO Gossip Girl"

#5 - Scandal

If you haven't watched this show, you have about a month or so to catch up on the short season 1 and season 2. It will not disappoint. Really the only reason we started watching it was because Mr. and I needed a new show to start watching and this show started so late in the game that we figured we give it a try. We actually had DVR'd all of the first season (7-8 espisodes) before we even started watching, but once we started we could not stop. Addicting! Now go watch it so they don't cancel it, like they do with all of the shows we tend to like.

What are your favorite tv shows? Everyone's been talking about Breaking Bad, I think we need to pick that show up STAT.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Little Monkey

And this is why Mommy can't go to the park any more. I almost had a heart attack just watching this video. Best leave it to Daddy to let Baby Fox get his part Monkey on.

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekend Recap

At least I'm doing a recap this week? Although not many pictures to show you. I bring my camera, yet I always forget to pull it out to take pictures, darn.

Friday Baby Fox and I met up with Mr. after his physical therapy at the mall to buy a coming home outfit for Mini Fox. Found the cutest outfit, of course I can't find it on their website. I guess you'll have to be surprised. After we found what we needed we decided to go out to dinner instead of doing the responsible thing and going home to leftovers to Cheese Cake Factory.

At Nordstroms we bought Baby Fox one of those magnetic drawing boards that you can erase with a swipe of a wand. He calls it his "etch-a-sketch", so it was hard to get him to focus long enough to get a picture.

Saturday was swim lessons as usual. If you can't see, The first picture is of Baby Fox floating, the second picture is of Baby Fox jumping into the water.

The rest of Saturday was pretty low key. Some park time and making enchiladas for dinner. Yum!

Sunday Baby Fox wanted pancakes for breakfast, he wanted to help make them. While we were making them, he says "Mommy, I love you making pancakes!" Awwww...

Let me explain the outfit. He wanted to wear this rainbow shirt when he woke up, and since I knew whatever we had for breakfast would get all over him, I said okay, then he wanted the shorts, who am I to say no. Side note: That "rainbow shirt" is actually a onsie that my dad thought was a good gift from Oklahoma, and I had put it in the give away pile and Baby Fox sees it and says I want to wear that, but it didn't fit and he started to cry, so I did what any other mother would do, cut off the naps and let him wear it as a shirt. As long as he doesn't go out in public right? Although the other day Daddy and him come down stairs before leaving for a friends and he has this shirt on, I said no, and that he had to change, I know I'm so mean.

Pancakes for one

After church we came home and ate lunch and played a bit before nap time. First Baby Fox wanted a picnic with Daddy, giving Daddy some ketchup.

Then Baby Fox and Daddy played what Colton calls "Bump Daddy", honestly not sure which one had more fun, this went on for an hour. No joke. Let me get done a project for Mini Fox's room, so I'll take it.  Baby Fox hasn't quite got the peddling thing yet, so he just pushes his bike.

It was hard to get them both in the same picture, they were going around so fast

Yes we did buy that Plasma Car for Baby Fox, not Mr.
Sunday night we went to my parents house for dinner. Again brought the camera, but didn't take any pictures, darn. It was nice to go somewhere else and have someone cook for you, I could get used to that!

Hope you all had a great weekend, 6 more weeks till Mini Fox...yikes!

Linking up with Faith, Sarah and Megan
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sometimes I Take You for Granted

Today's subject comes from Shay, via Kali. Where to begin? There are so many things I could write about, my job, I seriously have the easiest job and get paid a lot to do it, my parents, always wanting to do for me and me always scolding them about something or another, but in reality everything they do is because they love me and my family and would die for us. Mr. who is constantly picking up the slack when I just can't handle it any more, and always supporting me with whatever I decide to do.

But I'm not going to talk about any of that. I'm going to chose my son, Colton aka Baby Fox. Seems like a silly choice, but I do. When Mr. and I got married we had a plan, a 5 year plan. We were going to travel the world, do what we wanted to do while we were young, buy a house and be really financially stable before we brought a baby into the world.  On our 5 year anniversary we took a trip and got pregnant our first go. I don't think I realized just how lucky we were that we didn't have any issues getting pregnant, and that we got pregnant so fast.

He came, and he was perfect, I mean seriously perfect.

 As we got used to being a family of 3 and having this little human rely solely on us, he really helped us navigate those first few months of parenthood. He NEVER cried. I mean when I say never cried, he never cried, so much so that when he was about a month old and was crying/whinning, someone asked us and I quote "is that your baby's cry?" It was that soft. He just never really developed the loud screaming capacity lungs because he never cried. He started sleeping 5 hour stretches around 2.5 months, 8-9 hours at 3.5 months and then 12 hours at 4.5 months. I mean what kid does that? To this day, he goes down without a fight and even if he's not tired, he'll just lay in his crib and roll around, talk to his stuffed animals and wait for sleep to come to him. When he's sick he hardly wakes up in the middle of the night screaming. I think in the past 2.5 years, he's woken up twice in the middle of the night, since he started sleeping 12 hour stretches.

He is the politest kid, and learns quickly. Adapts to life in general, takes things in and goes with the flow. Skip nap that day because we're out and about, no problems. Most importantly he is healthy and happy. I have a few friends who have to constantly fight for their kids health, people who I don't know how they find the strength each day to continue, but somehow they do and they come out stronger on the other side.

He's all we know, but:

I take for granted how smart he is. he taught us sign language when he was 10 months old. He had signs he made up for more, drink and all done.

Trying to figure out how Daddy put all these cars on top of each other
 I take for granted how sweet he is and wants the best for everyone around him

Sharing his bear with Great Grandma, Bear is kissing GG better
 I take for granted that he loves me unconditionally and is excited to see me each day I get home he screams out "MOMMY" and comes running

I take for granted that he wants me when he's hurt
Don't worry, I happened to be taking pictures of him when he started crying, I snapped this and then picked him up
I take for granted that he hardly complains

100° heat at a funeral, but there's a fire truck, all is good with the world
I take for granted that he always wants to share everything he has with everyone else. 

I take for granted that he sleeps through the night

I take for granted that he can self soothe

I take for granted that he's never sick, and when he does get sick he's happy and isn't grumpy

Last time he was sick, June 2012

I take for granted those special moments when he holds my head in his hands and looks into my eyes and says he loves me

I take for granted the fact that no one can compare to how great he is and how fun, loveable and how he has a great sense of humor.

I hope to remember all these things when he's a teenager and driving me crazy, that deep down he's the best kid a mom could hope for. I want to cherish these last few weeks with just him before the crazy of a newborn begins all over again.

Thank you Colton for being you, you have grown into such a fun, lovable 2 year old. You are going to be the best big brother and I can't wait for you to meet her!

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