Hi Foxy Friends! Fact about me: I cannot workout in pants, super cold outside, you'll find me in shorts freezing my butt off. Okay it doesn't get that cold here, but even if I did live somewhere really cold, like where Deena or Abbie lives...heck even Lana, I would still be wearing shorts. If I do wear pants, heat rash within minutes of getting hot. Not pleasant. Okay moving on. I have been looking for YEARS for new workout shorts, I've been wearing the same ones since before I got married 14 years ago! For reals...pathetic. But I finally found them, and they're priced reasonably too! Give me one in every color please.
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In case you didn't notice I am short, so I need shorts about 3" in length to make them look normal. #1 is shorter than #2, both come up to my belly button so it hides the muffin top, tucks it all in. Good for me. I was beginning to think all shorts were made for people pre-kids with no hips. Thanks Champion and Old Navy for FINALLY coming through for me! So what's your favorite workout gear lately?
Linking up here
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Monday, June 24, 2019
Packing for an 8 Day Trip With Just a Carry On Luggage
Hi Foxy Friends! Last week I did an unboxing on packing cubes. I was hesitant and wasn't sure if they were really worth it, but let me tell you, worth EVERY PENNY! I decided to really put it to the test when Mr. was leaving for an 8 day business trip, and wanted to take just a carry on. Challenge accepted. This is everything he wanted to fit into his luggage.
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Yikes, I was skeptical at first, but holy cow, it worked! I got everything in there, plus we got in his running shoes which was a nice to have but not necessary. He was willing to wear his dress shoes to the gym, haha. Gotta do what you gotta do!
Here is a whole video with how I packed everything
Breakdown in pictures:
In one of the smallest cube we fit 10 pairs of underwear, 7 pairs of dress socks and 2 pairs of workout socks.
In the other small cube, we fit 3 pairs of dress socks and 4 t-shirts.
In the biggest cube we fit 1 t-shirt, 5 polos, 2 pairs of workout shorts, 1 dress shorts, 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of dress pants and two belts. Like what?! That is crazy!
Here it is all packed up. Including a pair of dress shoes and a pair of workout shoes and a toiletry Ziploc.
Holy cow, I'm a believer, everyone NEEDS TO GET SOME! I am going to try and use them for our family vacation, we're taking the bigger check on luggage, we'll see if I get to the weight limit before I fill it up, but we'll see! Our goal is to use one checked luggage and maybe one carry on roller bag for a family of 4 for a 10 day trip. Well see how it works out, stay tuned for that!
Linking up here
*Some of the links are affiliate links and I will either receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you click on it or if you make a purchase from one of these links, I may also receive a commission on the sale of the product. Click here for my disclosure page.
Yikes, I was skeptical at first, but holy cow, it worked! I got everything in there, plus we got in his running shoes which was a nice to have but not necessary. He was willing to wear his dress shoes to the gym, haha. Gotta do what you gotta do!
Here is a whole video with how I packed everything
Breakdown in pictures:
In one of the smallest cube we fit 10 pairs of underwear, 7 pairs of dress socks and 2 pairs of workout socks.
In the other small cube, we fit 3 pairs of dress socks and 4 t-shirts.
In the biggest cube we fit 1 t-shirt, 5 polos, 2 pairs of workout shorts, 1 dress shorts, 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of dress pants and two belts. Like what?! That is crazy!
Here it is all packed up. Including a pair of dress shoes and a pair of workout shoes and a toiletry Ziploc.
Holy cow, I'm a believer, everyone NEEDS TO GET SOME! I am going to try and use them for our family vacation, we're taking the bigger check on luggage, we'll see if I get to the weight limit before I fill it up, but we'll see! Our goal is to use one checked luggage and maybe one carry on roller bag for a family of 4 for a 10 day trip. Well see how it works out, stay tuned for that!
Linking up here
Friday, June 21, 2019
Weekly Favorites #19
Hi Foxy Friends! Today I'm sharing my favorites this week. Let's get started!
First stop was gas around 8:30.
Breakfast at Carl's Junior.
State line, Baby Fox has one foot in California and one foot in Nevada...
They also stopped at the worlds largest themometer, but not pictures were taken there I guess? When with my brother, they went here for dinner...dad's shaky hands...makes pictures blurry, it's not you, it's him.
Meanwhile, Mom and I went to get our nails done and lunch. My mom is the cutest, this is the picture we sent back to my dad and Baby Fox.
They also stopped at the M&M store to pick up some goodies.
It was a quick trip, they came back early the next day, I guess Baby Fox took 2 naps on the way home, haha! When he got home he was bouncing off the walls, we took him and Mini Fox to the park for almost 2 hours, haha!
All the stick, they're tying them together.
Mini Fox tying me a string ring to wear with left over string.
Finished product...color me impressed. She even had "blue" prints.
Yep it's all hollow in there.
Back side looks like a bush...
Wow, perhaps architecture is in her future.
We heated the pool so we could test out our new snorkel gear, good thing because mine was damaged/I think it was used and returned. Mini Fox was so cute in her gear.
The kids swam for 5 hours, my parents came over for dinner and we had a nice time visiting and swimming. Well they watched we swam.
She was in heaven, Corner Bakery is her jam.
Meanwhile I took Baby Fox to his favorite place, In and Out.
Baby Fox took a last minute road trip with my Dad to Vegas to drop some furniture to my brother. It was his first road trip with my dad and I think they had a blast. Not sure who had more fun. We told them to take pictures...They left about 6am.
First stop was gas around 8:30.
Breakfast at Carl's Junior.
State line, Baby Fox has one foot in California and one foot in Nevada...
They also stopped at the worlds largest themometer, but not pictures were taken there I guess? When with my brother, they went here for dinner...dad's shaky hands...makes pictures blurry, it's not you, it's him.
Meanwhile, Mom and I went to get our nails done and lunch. My mom is the cutest, this is the picture we sent back to my dad and Baby Fox.
They also stopped at the M&M store to pick up some goodies.
It was a quick trip, they came back early the next day, I guess Baby Fox took 2 naps on the way home, haha! When he got home he was bouncing off the walls, we took him and Mini Fox to the park for almost 2 hours, haha!
Mr. had to cut a part of a tree branch down and the kids decided to make a fort out of it...mini fort, but fort none the less. They probably spent 2 hours cutting off all of the leaves on the branches so they had sticks for their base.
All the stick, they're tying them together.
Mini Fox tying me a string ring to wear with left over string.
Finished product...color me impressed. She even had "blue" prints.
Yep it's all hollow in there.
Back side looks like a bush...
Wow, perhaps architecture is in her future.
Sunday consisted of church, because it was Father's Day they had a blessing and all of the dad's got up front, it was really sweet.
We heated the pool so we could test out our new snorkel gear, good thing because mine was damaged/I think it was used and returned. Mini Fox was so cute in her gear.
The kids swam for 5 hours, my parents came over for dinner and we had a nice time visiting and swimming. Well they watched we swam.
In other pictures. Baby Fox started a new summer camp, he's going to do it for a total of three weeks (not consecutive) this summer. He loves it, it's at the beach, they canoe, rock climb, do archery and there is a huge play structure on the water they get to play on. Dad got a picture on the first day when they were waiting to go in.
Sad news, dropped my lunch container and cracked a lid, nothing worse than having one less lid.
Captured this girl before we woke her up, snuggling her monkey...so dang cute.
Because Baby Fox's camp is about an hour round trip, we had to divde and conquer. Mr. took Mini Fox to gymnastics and decided to surprise her and take her out to dinner. This is what I got.
She was in heaven, Corner Bakery is her jam.
Meanwhile I took Baby Fox to his favorite place, In and Out.
I actually blogged this week, what?! In case you missed it, here it is:
Tuesday: Packing Cube Unboxing
Wednesday: Summer Wedding Fashion
Thursday: Father's Day Craft
I also did a video of my unboxing, and I'm also going to do a video on how we used the packing cubes, Mr. is going on a 8 day trip and wants to take a carry on only, we're hoping these packing cubes work! Stay tuned, hope to get that up next week, as he is leaving tomorrow, and he needs to pack still!
Also showed you how we did our Father's Day Craft, I think it turned out pretty great, exactly how I imagined it would!
Hope you all have a great weekend! Wish me luck, me and the kids this weekend/week!
Linking up here
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Perfect Father's Day Picture
Hi Foxy Friends! I did a super cute Father's Day craft for Mr. and I thought I would share. I realize it's too late for this year, but hopefully you'll pin this for next year. So this is what we're making.

What you'll need:
40 x 30 poster board (foam kind)
Exacto Knife
Stencil (optional)
Step One - Cut poster board to size. I ended up cutting into three parts because I new I was making one for my dad and Mr. I ended up using two poster boards. I have a lot of them. I used the foam kind because I knew it would be sturdy and the kids could hold it up any which way and it would stand up.
Step Two - Cut out your letters, I measured the width of my board and then made the letters the correct size for the board. The longest word was Daddy, so I did that first and did the other ones. I used a Cricut, but you can use whatever cutting machine you have or cut them by hand.
At this point I realized I needed a longer board for Daddy, so I cut another one.
Step Three - Tape letters down and then carefully cut out...I injured myself doing this, so be careful!
I used double sided tape, you can use whatever you have laying around.
Step Four - As you are cutting it out, you'll realize that the middle of the "D" and the "e" and "d" fall out too...so I used a toothpick to keep it in place, you can't see it in the shadow so it works for me!
See you can barely see them.
Step Five - Find some willing participants and find a place you can take pictures. Our house didn't work because of the way the sun hit it, we would have our neighbors house in the picture instead of our garage like I wanted...so I hit up Google Maps and looked a nearby parks in our area. I found one not too far from us that worked perfect! Yes I'm insane.
This is what it's going to look like.
This is what we're going for:
But you know what stepped it up a notch? When the kids started doing cute things with their legs.
This one was for my dad. He loved it.
Just make sure you don't do what we do, luckily we caught it before we walked away! Oops facing the wrong way! When I was showing them what to do, I was holding the sign and reading it from their prospective...I was in such a hurry to get the shots in (we were on our way to karate, we had exactly 10 minutes to get these done).
Luckily I realized when we were switching from Mr. to my dad (Ampa). Phew...that was a close one!
So next time you need something for Father's Day for the man who has everything, make these cute signs for the men in your life. They will love it. I might start doing this every year so we can watch their shadows grow!
Linking up here
What you'll need:
40 x 30 poster board (foam kind)
Exacto Knife
Stencil (optional)
Step One - Cut poster board to size. I ended up cutting into three parts because I new I was making one for my dad and Mr. I ended up using two poster boards. I have a lot of them. I used the foam kind because I knew it would be sturdy and the kids could hold it up any which way and it would stand up.
Step Two - Cut out your letters, I measured the width of my board and then made the letters the correct size for the board. The longest word was Daddy, so I did that first and did the other ones. I used a Cricut, but you can use whatever cutting machine you have or cut them by hand.
At this point I realized I needed a longer board for Daddy, so I cut another one.
Step Three - Tape letters down and then carefully cut out...I injured myself doing this, so be careful!
I used double sided tape, you can use whatever you have laying around.
Step Four - As you are cutting it out, you'll realize that the middle of the "D" and the "e" and "d" fall out too...so I used a toothpick to keep it in place, you can't see it in the shadow so it works for me!
See you can barely see them.
Step Five - Find some willing participants and find a place you can take pictures. Our house didn't work because of the way the sun hit it, we would have our neighbors house in the picture instead of our garage like I wanted...so I hit up Google Maps and looked a nearby parks in our area. I found one not too far from us that worked perfect! Yes I'm insane.
This is what it's going to look like.
This is what we're going for:
But you know what stepped it up a notch? When the kids started doing cute things with their legs.
This one was for my dad. He loved it.
Just make sure you don't do what we do, luckily we caught it before we walked away! Oops facing the wrong way! When I was showing them what to do, I was holding the sign and reading it from their prospective...I was in such a hurry to get the shots in (we were on our way to karate, we had exactly 10 minutes to get these done).
Luckily I realized when we were switching from Mr. to my dad (Ampa). Phew...that was a close one!
So next time you need something for Father's Day for the man who has everything, make these cute signs for the men in your life. They will love it. I might start doing this every year so we can watch their shadows grow!
Linking up here
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