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In case you missed it this week:
Tuesday: 5 Tips For Navigating BeautyCon and Free Sample Haul
Wednesday: Love Is In the Air...or On My Graphic Tee
Thursday: July Boxy Charm Unboxing
I know who am I? I posted two videos on my Youtube Channel this week. This one was about what I learned about Beauty Con and what I got for free, and then a Boxy Charm unboxing and try on.
Last week my reign of Hand Ball Champion came to an end. I defeated Baby Fox and then Mr. barely scraped a win...but a win never-the-less, and so he gets to house the championship trophy until he is challenged. (House rules says he cannot be challenged for a week)
These two got to see each other after being away from each other for 2 weeks and they were so happy.
Part of Prime Day, Mr. bought the kids a microscope, and man did they LOVE it! If you haven't already get your kids this...it's an awesome first microscope!
Had a Bunko night with the girls, these are relatively new friends and I'm loving getting to know them better.
Friday was this girls last day of school. She still has one more year of preschool to go.
Her poses crack me up!
We always get the kids an end of the year school treat, this year Mini Fox really wanted a big sucker and my parents went all over looking for it. Apparently last Friday was national lollipop day, so a lot of stores were sold out. When they finally found these, it was buy one get one free, pretty darn good deal!
Friday night was Mini Fox's end of the year program (she goes to a preschool at someone's house).
Many outfit changes, they did a dance here.
Another outfit change.
And to finish off the show, the play of the Three Little Pigs (Mini Fox is the middle pig).

Phew that was just the week, now onto last weekend, haha! Saturday we went to visit some friends and their new pool.
Afterwards we headed to my Aunt's house for dinner. It was steak, grilled potatoes and broccoli, and we brought some yummy cakes from Whole Foods, I failed to take any pictures besides this one.
And another aunt took this one, this might be one of my all time favorites of us.
Kids were knocked out on the way home.
Sunday we went to church and mass was being said by the new Bishop, which is a treat.
After church Mini Fox wanted to do errands with me, so off to the mall we went. I did reward her with some play time in the mall play area. They re-did it and made it STEM friendly or something, she loves it.
The whole reason she really wanted to go with me because I was going to a different grocery store and she knew they had these little carts and they give out free fruit to kids. She picked banana because she doesn't get them at home because (TMI right here) it backs her up.
After the grocery store we headed over to a friends for some pool time and dinner. Yep same friend from when Mini Fox was holding the little boys hand. We did buy a Go-Pro knock off on Prime Day...and I let the kids go wild with it....that footage coming soon.
When all kids are swim safe and the one who isn't is sleeping...mom's get to relax.
Mr. and I needed to be in LA early morning, so they spent the night at a neighbors house. She sent us this picture. So cute. They woke up before 6am...which usually they wake up 7:30-8.
I know you all know about the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, but I thought I would put together some fun accessories to buy for gifts. Cause getting some shopping done in July for Christmas never hurt anyone. I also like to buy extra things to have gifts on hand, never know when you'll need a gift or two.
Reversible watches (All under $100)
Floral Watches (All under $100)
Black Floral (All under $100)
Floral Band (All under $100)
Y-Necklace (comes in 7 colors) ($31.90)
Bracele ($32.90)
Earrings (comes in 5 colors) ($42.90)
Monogrammed Tote ($42)
Monogrammed Clutches ($25)
Backpack ($65)
Leopard Scarf ($11.90)
So just this week, I had to use a jump rope in one of my workout classes and it was a complete fail...and so tiring...this is pretty awesome.
And I love when a community comes together to help a kid out. This is a sweet story.
OH my gosh! I need/want to try this! But so scared to try....yikes!
What are you up to this weekend? We're hanging with the cousins on Saturday at the aquarium and then Sunday we are headed to another cousin's birthday party. Should be fun, except we have to drive to LA both days...waaaahhhh!! Pray for no traffic, last week it took us an hour and 45 minutes to go 50 miles...Link up your Friday Loves with The Blended Blog below!