Hello Foxy Friends! Today I'm sharing one of my favorite things to do each year. Holiday cards. Between me and all of you, Mr. loves sending out cards just as much as I do. Each year he helps me pick them out. Actually this year, while I was cooking dinner, he sat down went through the hundreds of options and picked out his top 5 picks, and then together we decided on the final product. Last year I told you how to pick out your cards, this time I am sharing 5 reasons you need to get yearly holiday cards and why Shutterfly is the best place to get them!
| ONE |
Memories. Isn't that why we do anything? I keep them all, if you have ever sent me a Christmas card...scratch that, if you have ever sent me any card I still have it. I keep them all by year for random cards, and then the Christmas cards get their own bin. I love seeing how much the kids have grown each year.

Note: I came up with a fun way to store all of these cards I've gotten over the years, besides in the baggies that they are currently in...click here to see how to store your cards.
| TWO |
You know you like getting cards from people and seeing how their kids have grown up. The same can be said about your family. People want to see how much your family has grown. I know I look forward to Christmas cards each year, and when the new year rolls around, I'm sad to have to take down our cards. Full disclosure, one year we kept them up until mid-February.
These are the cards I've gotten over the years.
Feeling connected to friends and family. I know this one seems silly, but everyone is so busy all the time. You mean to see that friend or that friend, but time seems to go faster and faster the older we get. I like getting cards from friends, it lets me know, hey I'm thinking of you and even though we haven't talked in months, I still cherish our friendship. At least that's what I tell myself each time a card arrives in the mail. That and I haven't made it off their Christmas card list yet, and that makes me happy too. So even though you might not talk to them often, know that they always appreciate being thought of and you taking the time to send them a card.
| FOUR |
Shutterfly makes is super easy to pick out your cards. You can choose how many pictures you want, insert pictures, write sentiment click buy and off to your house they come. You say that you don't have time to send them? Shutterfly will do that for you too! Give them your addresses, they put them on the envelopes and send for you, you don't even have to do anything!
Tip: I use the same sentiment every year. Year after year I would scour the internet to try and find the perfect sentiment, and when I found it I decided you know what? I don't remember what someone said last year...they're not going to remember ours, so I use the same one each year.
| FIVE |
Shutterfly always has some sort of sale going on. Heck I have 4 coupon codes at home right now. So if you need one, email me and I'll send it right over! The prices are pretty good for the quality of the card that you are getting. You don't need to spend a lot, Shutterfly has a range of prices, something for everyone. Here are some of my favorite cards this year.
You're going to have to wait to see our cards this year until we send them out. Yep I am that person that takes family photos in September/October and then doesn't show anyone anything until after Christmas cards have gone out. Anyone else like that too? Just me? Figures.
So if any of you want to send me a card, know that I'll keep it for forever....then one day in 10 years, you can ask me...hey what did we do for our card in 2017 and BAM I got ya covered.
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