1. Favorite Animal? Fox (duh) or bunnies, they're so cute.
2. Wine or Beer? Beer, specifically Sierra Nevada, yum.
3. Sock on/off while sleeping? Definitely off!
4. One piece or two piece for swimming suites? One piece, I'm a mom, no one wants to see that :) Although back in the day, I was two piece all the way.
5. Cooking at home or eating out? I like cooking at home, but occasionally eating out is fun too.
6. Pepsi or Coke? Coke...I guess coke products, I don't in fact actually drink dark soda, or anything with caffeine.
7. Regular or electric toothbrush? Regular, we used to have electric, but stopped using it...not sure why.
8. Candy or chocolate? Candy, specifically Wwedish Fish
9. Coffee or tea? Neither, I don't like drinking hot drinks.
10. Music or talk radio? Music, talk radio I find boring and doesn't keep me entertained for my almost 2 hour drink home.
11. Chick flick, action movie or documentary? If Mr. wasn't around, chick flicks all the time, but since he is, I like all of the action movies. Anything with Jason Statham is a win in our book.
12. Regular or mechanical pencil? Regular, nothing like a #2 freshly sharpened pencil.
13. Swimming or laying out? Laying Out, unless it's 90° and 100% humidity, then I might consider getting in.
14. Dog or Cat? Dogs, I'm so allergic to cats I have an allergy attack just thinking of it.
15. What do you drive: SUV, Van or Sedan? Sedan
Mr. filled out the rest of these for me while I was in the other room...he pretty much nailed it.
16. Early bird catches the worm or night owl? Night owl, but I wake up at 4:00 AM too!
17. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Bean and cheese burritos! All day, every day. So funny when I read this question I was totally going to write this.
18. While Sleeping: Phone in room by your side or phone in another room? Another room. Set to silent!
19. Singing in the shower, yes or no? No.
20. Oreo cookies: Eat Whole, take apart and/or dunk in milk? He wasn't sure about this one, but took a guess and was right, whole, no milk. He on the other hands gets a class a milk, puts the oreos in the milk, let's it sit there for a minute and then eats it with a spoon.
Okay there you go, 20 random questions about me. Now answer one of these yourself down below!
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