1. Will you go on a Summer Vacation this year?
Not really? We're taking two really long weekends in August, but other then that, nothing. We were going to go somewhere big in December, so we decided against a big vacation this summer. But now we're not doing the December thing and it's too late to plan a big summer thing. Oh well, next year!
2. Do nothing but relax or pack it all in vacation?
We like to do both, do something one day, relax the next, do something else one day, then relax. At least we try. When we went to Rome, we had one thing on the agenda each day, and then we had a secondary, would be cool to see list...so after we were done with our one thing, we would assess to see how tired we were and started checking things off the list. Did we get to everything? No, but we did a lot, and never felt really all that tired.
3. What month do you like to vacation?
If the kids didn't have school, I would pick (and Mr. and I use to do this every year). The week after Memorial day, it's a short week, so you get a "free" vacation day from work, and it's almost always my off Friday, so for 3 vacation days, I get 10 days off. Pretty awesome. Typically we try to book vacation around my off Fridays.
4. Cruise: Yes or No?
I am a YES all the way, Mr. on the other hand is a hell to the no way kind of guy. I'm working on him. He thinks Titanic...enough said.
5. Favorite vacation tradition?
Umm...we don't have one? Oh well I guess we buy magnets whereever we go but that just started since we started traveling with the kids a couple of years ago. I know that Lindsay from Lindsay's Sweet World, buys tacky frames...her wall of frames is so awesome. I'm interested to see what other people say. Perhaps we need to start a new tradition.
6. Most memorable vacation?
I would say our 3 weeks to Italy/Switzerland with really good friends. That was always the trip we said we would take before we had kids, and we did...a year or so after that, but still it happened.
Throwing coins in Trevi Fountain...if you look closely you can see all of our coins...Mr.'s is almost in his hand, and then you can see the sparkle of everyone else's coins above our heads.
7. Pack light or pack it all?
I used to be a pack it all including the kitchen sink...but lately I've been TRYING to pack just what I need...sometimes that fails me, as the one time I went on a buisness trip and didn't pack enough clothes and had to buy a blouse to wear to work...haha. Actually I brought dresses and it was super windy, and I couldn't wear the dresses, and brought no back up clothes. One day I'll find the happy middle ground.
8. Hotel, Condo or House?
Hmmm...I think it depends on where we are going. I like them all? House definitely if we are traveling with friends, it's more fun when you're all together. Condo if it's just the 4 of us...and I guess Hotel if there is something fun there, like Great Wolf Lodge.
9. Favorite thing(s) to eat on vacation?
Ice Cream...dessert...and more ice cream...and anything bad that I don't normally eat at home because I feel like I can't.
10. Warm or cold destinations?
Both...I know it's cheating. But I really like snowboarding, so obviously those would be cold...but I also like laying on beach and doing nothing but swimming and reading...
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