Showing posts with label Polka Dot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polka Dot. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Perfect Valentine's Day Outfit

Hi Foxy Friends! What? Another outfit post. I actually ended up wearing this outfit for Christmas dinner, but I think it would also be the perfect Valentine's Day outfit. I love that you can either make this for warmer weather or add some tights and a jacket (see below) for colder weather. Granted it is about 52°F here at night, so not as cold as some of you out there, but it works perfect for here!

*Some of the links are affiliate links and I will  either receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you click on it or if you make a purchase from one of these links, I may also receive a commission on the sale of the product. Click here for my disclosure page.

Skirt (comes in 27 colors) / Tank (Similar) / Boots / Necklace (similar here and here)

I just love the way the polka dots look with the red skirt. You could also wear some strappy heels like these.

If you live in a climate that is cooler, then I would definitely add some tights and this fuzzy jacket. The most comfortable and warmest jacket. Although I'm speaking from a 52°F point...haha!

Seriously this jacket just feels like a warm hug, for about $100 I think it gives you a big bang for your buck. A great piece to add to your wardrobe. How many times have you been all dressed up with no nice jacket to wear with it. This is your answer!

Are you the type to go out for Valentine's Day or stay in? We're headed to Canada to visit some friends that weekend and we're so excited! So no dressing up for us, but we're going to have a ton of fun!

Linking up here

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Little Black Dress and Currently

Happy Wednesday Foxy Friends! Welcome to the first Blended Blog Style link up for 2018.  So excited to have you all here, and to continue to grow this link up and find new friends to follow. I found this pretty dress at Target, and couldn't wait to get it on. I mean sheer sleeves, polka dots and ruffles, could there be anything better?

*Some of the links are affiliate links and I will  either receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you click on it or if you make a purchase from one of these links, I may also receive a commission on the sale of the product. Click here for my disclosure page.

Shoes are old from Jessica Simpson, but here is a similar pair.

I wish I could get my curls to look like this on the first day. Haven't figured that out. When I do them this loose, the curl falls out within an hour, this is day 3 after I curled my hair...hmmm...

The lip color is Lipsense - Blue Red / Eye Shadow Palette / Eye Liner / Eye Lashes / Blush

 Also linking up with Anne from Anne In Residence and her monthly "currently" where she gives you the topics to talk about. This time her cohost is Lowanda of Sunshine and Elephants and the topic is starting, hoping, scheduling, reading, and playing.


Hoping to start practicing yoga, I am so not flexible, can't even really touch my toes, but this year I am hoping to change that. FYI: my idea of hell is doing yoga and puzzles, so this one is going to be challenging. I've completed two days so far, so far so good. I'm starting with a 30 days of Yoga with Adriene, here is my play list.


For a great year. I love the beginning of a new year. There are so many hopes for the new year. I'm hoping to take the kids to see new things, experience new things and to live in the moment more.


All things blog related. Trying to get a sense of where this year is going to take me. I like to know what my posts are going to be a month at a I can squeeze working on them here and there.  Pretty soon I'm going to be juggling getting the kids to all of their after school activities.


Currently lots of blog posts and Facebook. Oh that's not what you meant? Well I have a whole stack of books I would like to read...haven't gotten around to actually reading them, but one day.


Lot's of games with the kids. Plus I got Mr. a hover board for Christmas and the whole family has been enjoying it. Mini Fox picked it up crazy fast and Baby Fox was a pro right out the gate. Me on the other hand, not so much. Day two was a bit better, but my sped is snails pace. My friend was watching and said, are you even moving? Yep that's how slow I was going, lol.

Now link up your fashion related posts below!

Linking up here

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

My Polka Dotty Skirt

*Some of the links are affiliate links and I will  either receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you click on it or if you make a purchase from one of these links, I may also receive a commission on the sale of the product. Click here for my disclosure page.

Getting a two for one today! You get my normal outfit post and I'm also linking up with ShayMel and Sheaffer for a little What Up Wednesday. 

What I'm wearing:

Happy Wednesday Foxy Friends! Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I wore the stripes and floral? And while I was looking for a similar striped skirt, I found this polka dot skirt and then ordered it before I even went back to typing up my post? Yeah, you all NEED to go get one! It is SOOOO freakin comfortable. It has a solid front waist, but an elastic backside so you get the comfort of the elastic, but don't get the look of it.

I ended up putting a wide belt on it, but I could have easily worn it without. The skirt also has texture and looks so much more expensive than $18!  I sort of want to get the white with black polka dots's just so darn cute. They have several patterns, you should go check them out.

What we're eating this week:

Eating some left over Mexican food from the weekend, and I might have gotten some Thai food for dinner last night, and Thursday we're having Honey Lime Shrimp and corn on the cob, yum!

What I'm reminiscing about:

We're making plans for the pumpkin patch this was last year.

This is crazy how much they've grown.

This girl was 2 months old.

Also family pictures, we took ours for this year on Sunday. Makes me think of past family pictures.

What I'm loving:

The cooler weather. I get to use a blanket when watching TV, my favorite. Plus I'm going to just say it. I get every other Friday off from work, for the last almost 7 years I've had kids with me on my off Friday, but this year, this is the year I get my Friday completely kid free for 4 hours. What?! Granted the first 2 off Fridays, I was doing things for the kids and then with the kid when I took her out early from school. But next Friday, all to myself!

What we've been up to:

So busy, our days are filled with soccer and more soccer and birthday parties and weddings and baby showers and hanging out with friends. I love every minute of it.

What I'm dreading:

Surprisingly nothing. 

What I'm working on:

Have you heard about the Common Threads Challenge? I briefly mentioned it here. Anyway, going to talk about it again. It's where you pick 5 things from you closet and then you wear ONE of those 5 things each day for a month, to try and remix your closet and use it in a way you didn't think of before.

But picking 5 things...crazy hard! You don't want to pick all tops, because then you are wearing the same 5 tops all month. But then you don't want to pick all bottoms, cause that seems like it's "cheating" in a way. So I'm going to try and mix it up a bit. So far I have picked out my striped skirt (similar), and this blazer in black. I'm contemplating using this t-shirt in maroon, although I have it in three colors, and might have ordered it in two more colors...wonder if I can just count them all as t-shirt...haha, that's totally cheating. I think I'm going to pick a pair of jeans, must pick work appropriate ones. Then my last thing...not sure. I have 4 days to choose. I might do a pair of shoes?  Anyone else doing this challenge? What did you pick?

Your hosts are

 Join all these fabulous ladies, I'm really hoping I can do this, I mean I CAN do this!

What I'm excited about:

All the fun things that are happening in the next few months. We have the pumpkin patch, a fundraiser, Halloween, and lots of hanging out with friends. Looking forward to it all!

What I'm watching/reading

Watching all the things. Let's see where to start. We watched Beyond, which was really good, really hoping they pick it up for a second season.

Then we started watching Grand Design, it's an HGTV type show, and it shows you super innovative houses and how people built them. It's a super impress show, as the episodes span over several years, crazy, they start filming something and then 4 years later they finally finish the project. Super cool.

Also Dark Matter, they just released season 3 yesterday, woo hoo!

We've already watched the ones above, and we moved onto Ozark, it is very Breaking Bad-ish, except with money laundering...super good!

All these shows are available on Netflix. Anyone see any of them?

What I'm listening to:

Currently books on tape. I just discovered our libarary has books on tape to "borrow". You download an app, enter your library number an viola, you have all these books at your finger tips. I started to listen to Hidden Figures. So far so good, although I do find myself not doing what I should be doing and just listening. There a bunch of books on there that I want to listen to. Obviously they don't have all of the books, but ours has a good selection.

What I'm doing this weekend:

We get to go to the Angels game and sit in the box seats, woo hoo! Mr. got two tickets from work, and then told the admin if she had any more he'd like one more, since he was taking Baby Fox, and Mini Fox was semi-heart broken. But then someone gave back both of their tickets, so now we get to make it a family affair.

Plus Sunday we're going to see Ninjago, the kids are excited.

What I'm looking forward to next month: 

Well Fall weather, fall clothes, bring on the sweaters and warm things.
Bonus Question: What TV show are you most excited about this fall?

Grey's Anatomy and This is Us. Really, who isn't excited for This is Us, it kills me that we got rid of our cable at the end of last season, so now we have to wait an extra day before we can watch anything on Hulu, darn.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday Foxy Friends! It's another weekly link up with The Blended Blog. Today I'm sharing my leather jacket that I got 2 Christmas's ago, and you know what? I haven't really worn it because the weather had been so nice, but we're actually getting something called a winter now, so I thought I would break it out. It is the softest thing in the whole world, now I just need to find places to wear it. Last weeks polka dot top was so popular that I thought I would share my other polka dot top. Two polka dot tops in a row for the win.  If you can't tell my shoes are polka dot too. Funny story about the shoes, they're actually Jessica Simpson and I saw them several years ago, but the last pair they had had a smudge on them, and I didn't want to pay all that money for a smudge shoe, so I said no and thought I can find them forward a YEAR later and I finally found them again! I snatched them up so fast.



It's the last Wednesday of the month and I finally remembered to link up with Shay, Mel and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday. Let's get started.

What we're eating this week:

Pot Roast! I'm all about my Instant Pot (affiliate link), you should be too! I was able to make this plus the mashed potatoes all in 2 hours! Instead of the normal 3.5-4 hours. It's nice to be able to make this after work, mid week comfort food is where it's at with this cold weather. Oh and the gravy is the! So good, I could eat it by the truck load.

What I'm reminiscing about:

This little lady. She's starting preschool next week...waaahhh!!! How did she get old enough to be in preschool?

What I'm loving:

With my food allergies I hadn't been able to drink wine, I know! Right?! Anyway, after my allergy shots I am now finally able to drink wine. I haven't done any reds yet, but this white wine is soooooo darn good! It's from Costco and it's sweet and tastes oh so good. Notice how there isn't many in the container at Costco? Yep it's that good.

What we've been up to:

Trying to clean the house, seriously it's a mess in here, but I have a plan.

What I'm dreading:

Mini Fox starting school next week, she's so darn excited which is great, but it just seems like the start to the never ending school. No more are the day when we do nothing and have no where to go during the day. She actually starts school 40 minutes before Baby Fox.

What I'm working on:

Cleaning the house. Do you see a pattern here? I'm trying to organize, organize, organize. Next up is this cabinet...

What I'm excited about:

My weekend away with my bestie! It's been FOREVER and it's just the two of us and we're going to have a blast!

What I'm watching/reading:

Well I bought The Magnolia Story...but haven't read it yet, but I'm going to.

Watching The OA and 3%, both are on Netflix and you have to watch both, so good!

What I'm listening to:

Lot's of favorites at the moment. Seriously there are so many amazing artist on YouTube! You find anyone recently?

What I'm wearing:

See above, but here is a better shot of those shoes. I have no idea what I'm doing in this picture, well it was about to rain, so maybe a it might rain, let's get this done picture?

What I'm doing this weekend:

Hanging with the bestie. Provided that Mr. feels better...poor guy, he's not doing so good and it's day 3...

What I'm looking forward to next month:      

Utah! Mr. and I are headed to Park City to hit the slopes sans kids and it's going to be so fun! The last time we went was prior to Mini Fox being born, so it's been a while,  I hope I remember how to snowboard! Apparently I can't find any pictures of us, this must change. Although, I think we mostly leave everything behind because it's close to 0° and we think it's too cold for the electronics.

So what have you been up to lately?

Linking up here

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Outside My Comfort Zone

Happy Wednesday Foxy Friends! Another week of A New Year Styled, it's a new year and I'm trying to put together something outside of my comfort zone. For whatever reason I have never really been a layering girl. I will put a tank top under, but I've never really done the two shirts thing. and I have to say I really liked it. Although I do need a longer chambray shirt, anyone have any suggestions? As I was getting underdressed that night, Baby Fox was taking a bath as I was changing and he said...wait, you have two shirts on?! How did you do that?!

I just love this Ted Baker White Watch. I have been looking for a walk white watch for years now! Most of the ones that I saw were big and chunky...because that was what was in style. I was out Christmas shopping and was at Nordstrom shoppoing for someone else when I saw this watch, I immediately tried it on and loved it. Then contemplated for a good while whether or not to get it, but decided I could return it if I didn't want it, I knew if I didn't get it I would regret it, especially since I have been wanting a white watch for years!

My really good friend owns this shop called BEXO, which stands for “be xtraordinary”, she wants everyone to be a person that lives into their purpose and vision, and anyone is capable of achieving what they want in life. Keeping this meaning in mind, each jewelry design inspires her and other individuals to “be xtraordinary”. I just love that statement. She is the kindest, best person ever, I hope you go give her site a gander and shop around. The necklace I am wearing is the Moonstone Gem Collection, I think it adds a slight daintiness that nothing I own does.

On a side note, my shoes are almost 3 years old and they are past their know when shoes used to be SO comfortable and then suddenly their not? Yeah that is me with these shoes. I keep trying to wear them, but at the end of the day my feet are killing me. Time to find a new pair. Now it's your turn, link up your outfits below!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a $50 giftcard to Click here if you want a chance to win!

Linking up here