Day 3
It says to add a headband, but I just can't do headbands, I think I have a weird shaped head, because headbands ALWAYS slip off the backside of my head, any tips on helping me?
Day 4
Now thatt I'm looking at this picture, I'm not so sure about these shorts...they're super comfy, I'm actually wearing them as I type this post out. But I do love the kimono that I bought off of Have you guys ever shopped there before? It's pretty awesome.
I sorta love how the wind is blowing through my hair, like I'm some model or something.
Day 5
I totally didn't follow this outfit at all, the only thing I sort of had was the colored shorts, it specified bright shorts and these aren't bright (in my opinion), and the top was supposed to be missed that, but I don't have a white flowy top, and I really like this top and these shorts together, so there ya go.
Day 6
This day called for a chambray shirt, I've been looking for a sleeveless chambray that I like, but haven't found one yet, so I opted to roll the sleeves. I actually really like this outfit, that surprised me. I'm not sure why, because I like white and I like chambray, why not put it together!
Day 7
I did a similar outfit with this, but instead of doing the jean jacket I added a tied chambray and it totally changed the look, crazy how one piece of clothing can do that.
Day 8
Again, didn't follow this outfit day either. It said patterned palazzo pants, which I don't have, and a flowy top, which the only solid color flowy tank I have is that black one from the first week. So I figured I would chose another flowy tank with a patterned...wait for it...back side! And some solid shorts...sort of mixed it up a bit.
I just love that you don't expect the back to be floral.
Woah...see that grey hair there? Yeah that's not the sun, that's a really grey hair. (look on the left side of my head)
Day 9
I busted out my Captain America T-shirt, when Baby Fox saw this he nearly jumped out of his skin with excitement. He said, I want to wear mine too! I love how casual this outfit is, so comfy but really put together.
And for you Deena...:) Princess crown and Captain America...haha! I can't believe I just did that.
That's all I got for this week, don't forget the giveaway, you only have 1 more day before it's over, so hope on over, get to know some great gals, and win $200 while you're at it, win-win!
A Little Bit of Cheer // Nick + Nik // Foxy's Domestic Side // The Mishaps and Mayhem of a Solitary Life // Quilty JoyJoy
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Link up with us every Wednesday, we want to see your outfits. Now go check out the other ladies!

Also linking up with Pumps and Push-ups, Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy, Tucker Up , Shopping my Closet, Molly and Carly and More Pieces of Me and On the Daily Express, and On Trend Tuesday
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