In case you missed it this week:
Monday: Summer Plans
Wednesday: Fashion Files + What's Up Wednesday
Thursday: Sentence A Day
Join us for Sentence a Day, it's the 2nd of June, start writing your sentence, and link up with us on July 6th!
Last weekend was a busy but fun one. Mr is taking his second to last class for his MBA, he decided to take a 4 week class, so he's squeezing a semester worth of info into 4 weeks, talk about crazy. But it will be done and over with. Saturday I took the kids out all day. We went to the gym, then went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. Mini Fox likes the kids meal still, and we usually get ice cream with it, but she decided to keep these fun things instead. And then because I had bought Baby Fox an ice cream cone, I had to go buy her one too because she decided not to trade in her toy for ice cream. Did you know you could do that?
Can you tell Mini Fox is actually rawring behind her mask.
Then we headed to Costco, got some samples and some stuff we probably didn't need, but need to think of ideas to keep us out of house for the day. Anyway, then we headed home for a quick minute to drop off the Costco stuff and were going to meet up with some friends to go a gymnastic place, but turns out it was closed, so we headed to a park instead. And followed that up with Cheesecake Factory. I'm on this new thing, I'm going to stop shopping until I lose these last 5 pounds, so I was good and ordered something off the skinny menu, insert sad face. But you guys shopping...I need to get back to shopping by the Nordstrom July I have 7 weeks to loose 5 pounds, I can do it!
Afterwards we walked around the mall and found this display, and hey he's having a Minion party this month, so it was perfect. He would not smile, he said well I'm in jail, I'm not suppose to be happy, haha.
She of course followed suit.
We promised the kids Dave and Busters, which for the record don't go at 7pm on a Saturday. If i never went back I would not miss it. But I think it would be fun during the day, but man it's expensive. We had a gift card from a friend, and then someone randomly gave us the rest of their card when they left, it had about 5 games left on it. The kids had fun and walked away with a toy each from the ticket prizes.
Mini Fox might have lost two balls to other lanes, oops!
Sunday was a super lazy morning, I did my workout in the morning (Dirty Thirty from 21 day fix for the win), and then after lunch we headed out to my cousins for a Cousin Memorial Day Party. I love my cousins and am loving that we no longer are dependant on our parents to get us together, that we continue to see each other 4-5 times a year, in case you wanted to know I have 9 Cousins (there are 12 including myself and my siblings and 19 including spouses), and between us we have 13.5 kids (ages range from 10 years old - 9 weeks), one of my cousins is due in November. Phew that was a mouth full. Anyway, we got together on Sunday and the kids had a blast.
Cause what's a party without a bounce house? Plus it lets us adults get to catch up, win-win.
Gotta get one with everyone in it. Yep I travel with my tripod and wireless remote to all cousin parties.
What's a picture without getting a silly one too?
By the time we got home this one knocked out, I love sleeping kid pictures. Yep she's 3.5 and still backwards, one of these days we'll flip her. Especially when it starts getting super hot out, it's hard for the air conditioning to get to her.
Monday was another low key morning. We were going to just have my parents over, but last minute we got invited to a friends house and since Mr. was studying and watching the Brisket in the smoker, we left to go hang with them for a bit. Didn't get a picture of the kids, but did get one with the Mommy's. Love these ladies.
Then my parents came over and they went swimming while I watched because brrrr.....
Dinner was delicious, and I made angel food cake and creme brulee for dessert, double yum!
Perfectly smoked Brisket, Mr. already knows the changes he's going to do for the next round, and the left overs have been making amazing BBQ sandwiches on the Kings Hawaiian rolls.
I'm excited to link up again this month with Kristin from Taz and Belly for her Little Letters series and bring you a few little letters...
Dear Toronto, you were amazing and treated us well, even though you rained a bit, I still loved every bit of visiting. Although mostly probably had to do with the company, in any case, thanks for showing us a good time.
Dear Target, You are amazing. I caught the $1 spot when you had freshly put out your 4th of July things and I might have gone a bit on the crazy side. My hubby might hate you but I will never, could never hate you, I love everything about you.
Dear My Kid's Elementary School, why oh why do you plan for an awards ceremony at 10am? Why not at the beginning of the day, so that the kids who have working parents can attend and still go to work? You made my son panic that we wouldn't be able to go because so many of his classmates parents cannot go. Which makes me feel super sad that they can't.
Dear Work, thank you for being so understanding with all of my kids school things and letting me work from home on those days.
Dear Poutine, I'm sorry but I'm not in love with you. It's not you it's me. Or is it?
Dear Weight, please come off quickly. I am making a public announcement now to keep me accountable that I will lose 5 pounds and will not shop until I do (not including necessities like food). A girl has got to have some sort of motivation and if shopping can't do it, no one will.
Dear Credit Cards, enjoy this time off. It won't be long before you are being used again.
Dear Sprouts, I love that you are remodeling, but every week you move everything and it's taking me twice as long to get through the store because things aren't even in the same place twice. Please finish so I can resume my regular shopping experience. P.S. you are looking really nice.
Linking up with The Blended Blog for some around the internet blog love.
First up is Tif, she wrote a from the heart piece about being a working mom. Man, I just kept nodding my head in agreement, I feel and have felt everything she is talking about in this post. Go check it out and realize that we all feel the same. Even if it looks like they have it "all together".
Oh my gosh, you guys have GOT to go check out Caroline's home renovation, her and her husband Aaron did most of the work, and the kitchen floating shelves, swoon. Come on, genius how they did it! Go check out her full house tour, you're going to be drooling over everything just as I was.
I love the words that Will Smith says in this video. He encourages you to go out and not be afraid because the best things in life are on the other side of fear. Must remember this lesson, as so much of life we don't do because we are afraid.
This got me all teary eyed, their tag line "Because your normal might be their Magic" Watch it, maybe with some tissue close by.
What? Why am I always the last to know, but Pitch Perfect 3, yes!
Linking up here
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