Mr. and I have gone on some pretty awesome trips. I decided to break it up into 5 places I have been and 5 places I really want to go to. These might not be my favorites, but I think they could be.
5 Favorite Place I've Been:
| ONE | Bora Bora
I've recapped it here, but who wouldn't love over the water bungalows, and didn't see one kid for 2 weeks.

This was 13 years ago.

| TWO | Santa Barbara
This is one of our favorite places to go, before we had kids we would go on a whim on weekends. Now we have to plan a bit better, but it's pretty awesome to relax and unwind. Here's our last trip.
| THREE | Yosemite
So much fun, we love camping and driving up. There is so much to do there. Mr. and I have hiked half dome before (highly recommend), it was a hike of a lifetime.

We are loving that we can share this with our kids.
| FOUR | Italy
We went on a 3 week trip to Italy and Switzerland, but my favorite part was Italy. We had so much fun in Rome and Cinque Terre and Florence. Each place contains it's own beauty. I would love to take the kids one day and explore some other parts of Italy.
| FIVE | Park City, or any place we can snowboard
We love taking snowboarding trips. Fun fact: we didn't start snowboarding till our late 20's and actually postpone trying to have kids so we could have one more season of snowboarding. Mostly we got to Park City...I mean when the mountain looks like this, what's not to love. We found a run that mostly no one goes on...see no people here. Not sure why as it's so pretty.
Same fun as above, but just after that view.
Places I would like to travel to:
{ ONE } Italy, summer vacation
One day Mr. and I would like to take the whole summer and live in Tuscany...although we'd be open to any country side sort of thing. We think it would be so fun to take the kids whole summer vacation and live there. One of the reasons we contemplated homeschooling, so we could live somewhere for a few months while we teach them the history behind it. A picture from when we went to bike riding in Tuscany.
{ TWO } Whistler
One day we will snowboard in Whistler, we always here how amazing it is, and how everyone thinks it's the best place to snowboard, who wants to meet us there?
{ THREE } Maui
Mr. love Hawaii and in our 14 years together we've never been. We were going to go this summer, but it didn't work out as Mr.'s Best Friend is getting married at a destination, so we've got to do that, more details to come on that! But Maui...we're going summer of 2019, anyone want to join us?
{ FOUR } Europe
I know this sort of is a copy of number one, but I want to travel all over Europe and explore all of the small towns, and eat all of the local food. I think would be great life experience for the kids to see different parts of the world. We'll start with Europe and work our way around.
{ FIVE } Great Barrier Reef
I want to go here and snorkel and scuba dive before it all dies away and it's a distant memory. Mr and I have done a few resort dives (meaning you don't have to be certified, and they only take you as deep as you can hold your breathe and swim to the top). It's really an amazing thing to do, and if we got to the Great Barrier Reef, we will definitely be getting certified!
This is us snorkeling in Cabo.
So where is your favorite place to travel? Anything I need to add to my list?
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