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And guess what?! It has pockets! All good dresses have that right?
I had gotten my hair done a couple of days prior, now if only I could get my curls to look like this every time...
Make up
Primer / Foundation / Blemish Concealer / Concealer (cause one can never have too much) / Lashes / Eyebrow / Blush / Bronzer / Eyeshadow / Lipsense
This dress is going to be perfect to transition to Winter too, at least my California winter. Add some tights and boots and you got a completely different outfit. Then it transition back to Spring with some cute flats.
Dress | Leggings | Boots | Scarf
Dress | Flats | Hat | Bracelet
Want one yourself? Use the Code: SARAH (make sure it's all caps) for a one time use of 10% off. Know what is even better? All the prices are in Canadian money, so it really works for us Americans and the exchange rate. Their shipping is a flat $5 CAD, which means it's only $3.75 for us...heck ya! So what are you waiting for, go look at all of the pretty things and buy something for yourself!