Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Whatever Wednesdays - TV Shows

 This weeks WW topic is Top 5 TV shows, not 3, not 7, but 5. It was actually a lot harder then I thought to come up with 5 TV shows that I absolutely must watch, can't miss type of thing. Hard to chose just 5, but I think these are it.

All pictures found via Google Images

#1 - Grey's Anatomy

This came out just as Mr. and I got married, it was the first show we really started watching together and have watched every.single.episode together.  No matter how bad the storylines get, we continue to watch. I can't tell you how many times this stupid show has mad me cry. We're in it till the end. Which in our estimation, should be soon, right?

#2 - Gilmore Girls

Cheesy, but true. I have actually watched this series in it's entirety again when Baby Fox was born. Reminds me of those nights when I would snuggle up with Mom and we would watch it together. Good wholesome TV watching.

#3 - Dawson's Creek 

This show was really big when I was in college. Every Wednesday night my roommates and I would gather around the TV and watch DC with a pan of brownies. One of our guy friends would happen to stop by on Wednesday nights because of the brownies, but we knew better, he really wanted to watch DC.

#4 - Gossip Girl

I know right? Who watches this any more? But I loved it the minute it aired "your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite." Granted it got weird in the middle and stuff, but I was committed and had to see it through till the end. Which by the way, I liked the ending and thought they ended it really well. No wondering what happened to people, etc. I hate when they leave shows with unanswered questions, tell me what happens to people, that's what we all really want to know. "And who am I?! That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me.. XO XO Gossip Girl"

#5 - Scandal

If you haven't watched this show, you have about a month or so to catch up on the short season 1 and season 2. It will not disappoint. Really the only reason we started watching it was because Mr. and I needed a new show to start watching and this show started so late in the game that we figured we give it a try. We actually had DVR'd all of the first season (7-8 espisodes) before we even started watching, but once we started we could not stop. Addicting! Now go watch it so they don't cancel it, like they do with all of the shows we tend to like.

What are your favorite tv shows? Everyone's been talking about Breaking Bad, I think we need to pick that show up STAT.


  1. I have only heard good things about Scandal - I should catch up on that! Also, Grey's! Ugh! I miss the first 4 or 5 seasons - they were the best.

  2. I've heard Scandal is where it's at, but I'm like not at it at all:)

    Grey's that stupid show, I agree.

    I used to watch Gilmore Girls, I did, but then one day I stopped and started watching the seasons recently and after two episodes I concluded how annoying it was.. I don't know what changed there. something stupid inside my head i'm sure.

  3. I still watch the Gilmore Girls reruns every now and then! It was such a great show and I was so bummed when it went off the air.

    The Tiny Heart
    JCrew Giveaway!

  4. i've never watched scandel but could use a new show and love all the other ones! so sad gossip girl is over!
