Friday, May 22, 2015

Happy Long Weekend!

Happy long weekend! I got today off, so I get a 4 day weekend, woo hoo! Here are some of my favorite things this week.

 He's totally getting into coloring and drawing. It's so awesome for him to sit there for 30 minutes just coloring away. Mini Fox just wants to do what he does, so she'll also sit there for 30 minutes.

He was so proud that he wrote his whole name, he wouldn't go to bed without writing it out for us. He's so smart!

Last named blurred out, but he did write our last name too

Clearly Mini Fox was in a weird position. Oh well!

 Blurry, but the kids wanted to be animals and get Mama. It was adorable.

Then she wanted to wear the Fox costume.

 Reason she's crying? Her brother wasn't home when she got up from her nap. She was devastated.

We bought the flowers as blubs from Costco. We didn't realize how big (they are up to my hip!) they were going to be, but they sure are pretty. There are lots more flowers starting to bloom, going to be so pretty when they are full bloom all at once!

Hope you all have a great three day weekend! Just wanted to remind you to enter the giveaway I'm in for $400 gift card to Nordstrom. Click here for the original post.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Linking up with ErikaAndrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites, September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday! April and the girls for Five on Friday, Jennie for Friday Favorites, Caitlin and the girls for High Five for Friday

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