Today I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for a little Favorite Hair Products. First I have to say I have the straightest hair you'll ever find. So I don't need all those fancy anti-frizzy hair products. And I don't color it...yet, those gray hairs, man, they are coming in fast! Here are my top favorites...of the moment, cause you know I'm a girl and it changes on the monthly.
My all time favorite shampoo and conditioner is Philosophy.
But I don't use this on the daily because of how expensive it smells divine, and the bonus? The Amazing Grace shampoo is a shampoo/body wash. Double duty and it smells amazing. My hair is always so silky smooth after using these.
What I always use is TRESsemme Shampoo and Conditioner, and I also really like their heat protectant spray (far left bottle)
I also work in my favorite deep conditioner. Every 10 days or so.
When I'm washing my hair, I just recently started doing this:
I also, I can't find/remember the video that said this, but I stopped piling my hair on top of my head when I was washing it. I just leave my hair down, and rub the shampoo into my roots on top of my head and then lather it up and once it's really lathered I work it down into my hair ends. Then I do Dani's tip for conditioner, I feel like I lose way less hair doing these two tips in the shower. (go to 2:11)
I also, stopped brushing my hair when it was wet, I felt like after the shower and my hair is wet, I would brush it and I would lose so much hair! I feel like I don't lose as much when I wait till it's complete dry. I also bought a bamboo brush based off of this gals recommendation and I love it! I bought cheap one, and it seems to work really well, and I feel like it's making my hair a little more healthy and shiny. Go to (2 minutes), and doesn't she have gorgeous hair? Who wouldn't want to follow her hair care tips?
I think that's all I have for now. I don't have a favorite hair spray or moose since I rarely use those things. Currently I use Sexy Hair Spray and it seems to do the trick, but I use it, maybe 3 times a year? Should I be using it more? What are your hair care tips and secrets?
Also, at what point did you start dying your hair because of the grays? I want to try and avoid it for as long as possible, because well the up keep is just daunting. Thoughts?
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