Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Long Weekends are the BEST!

Happy Day after a long weekend. Mine went by way too fast! But at the same time I felt like I got a lot of time at home with my family. Did that make sense?

Anyway, Friday I went to a new (to me) workout class. I somehow injured myself, I have no idea how I did it, but I look down while on the rowing machine and I had a bloody knee. Don't worry, my Mommy cleaned me all up.

My parents watched Mini Fox while I was at the gym, she loves her magazines.

Mr. picked up his his mom from the airport and we headed out to get some dinner. I didn't take any pictures inside, just as we were leaving. Everyone smiling...I'll take it!

Baby Fox fell at school and scratched his nose

Saturday, I got up and went on my usual Saturday morning hike. First view of the ocean, only half way to the top.

Mostly at the top

Looking in the other direction. I just loved how the sun was beaming down below. Pretty good, considering this is an iPhone shot.

 This little guy is all ready for football season. Any ND fans out there?

 Helping Daddy make him his Green Eggs and Ham for breakfast.

We pretty much just hung out most of the morning, I went to the grocery store while MIL and Mr. took the kids to the park. Yep those are her jammies, she didn't want to take them off.

 Saturday evening we had MIL's sister over for dinner, Carnitas, yum!

Trying to use my selfie stick...can't get everyone in there...so hard! Here's one with Mini Fox in it.

And then another one where Baby Fox got in...can't have it both ways I guess, perhaps we need a smaller table?

For dessert, MIL's sister brought over some cake. The kids LOVED IT!

The only problem? The caffeine in the chocolate, kept both kids up till 11pm! Oops...

Sunday, MIL had to go home (insert sad face), so the kids and I watched Tinkerbell and the Neverbeast.

I love how they are both sucking their fingers
Mini Fox could not be bothered with a picture, she was too into the show.

Blurry picture, but can you tell she was super concerned with what was happening? She kept saying, OH NO!

After all that, some yogurt to calm the nerves, LOL, just kidding. It was a cute movie though, on Netflix.

Sunday, swim lesson day. Here's a video of it...he did some side breathing for the first time, did pretty good if you ask me :) (not sure why it's so blurry when you watch it from here, but if you go to my YouTube channel, it's clear...hmmm??)

Baby Fox and I went to Costco after his nap, every kids needs a sword down his back in Costco, you just never know when you'll have to fight off bad guys right?

Monday Baby Fox and I headed to the gym, then when we got home, Mr. headed to the gym, so I took the kids to the park. Here's a picture of Baby Fox next to those flowers I posted on Friday, crazy how tall they are right?

Hanging out on the park bench.

Lunch time, when exactly did she get big enough to sit at the table?!

10 Raspberry fingers...oops, make that 9, he ate one before I could snap the picture.

Just a girl, her blankie and a tractor.

We went to my parents house for dinner, which I took pictures of, and then didn't have time to load them last night, darn. It was a nice way to end the long weekend. Now back to the grind, why can't every weekend be 4 days?

How was your long weekend? Do anything fun and exciting?

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!

Also the Style Challenge is back! Sign ups for the Summer challenge is on right now! Go sign up*, I promise you won't regret it! Join me and the other ladies, I'm all signed up, are you?!

*affiliate link

Linking up with Faith, Heather and Daily Momvitity for Mommy Moments Erin for Weekend Snapshot4, B Loved Boston and Champagne & Suburbs  for Weekending,  On the Daily Express and More Pieces of Me for Manic Monday, and Monday Madness with Ashley at A Cute Angle

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