Hi Foxy Friends! Today is the first Thursday of the month, which means we're all sharing our sentence a day. It's only August 2nd, so join us next month with your sentence a day! Come on you know you want to, it's fun to look back at what you were feeling and thinking, oh yea! That was a cool day. Anyway, let's get started:
1 -Felt like making ribs, corn and baked potato for dinner, hit the spot.
2 -Please no, I don't want to get sick, I get sick every single 4th of July.
3 - Cousin time, so much fun we almost forgot to decorate the bikes for tomorrow!
4 -We did something new for 4th from previous years, but it couldn't have been more fun, bike parade, followed by dinner and movie then firework watching!
5 -I took 4 naps today...enough said.
6 - 104° means a good swimming session is in order.
7 - So, so hot today, but the baseball game was super fun, and the kids didn't seem to mind the heat.
8 - First beach day of the Summer, followed by dinner outside makes for the perfect end of my week off.
9 - Man that wake up time was rough today!
10 -Feeling slightly better today, so I walked/jogged on the treadmill instead of my normal class, better than nothing right?
11 -Swim lessons today, first 10 minutes the kids had the teachers to themselves...who shows up 10 minutes late to a 30 minutes swim lesson?
12 -Received some bad news...we can get through this as a family.
13 -Concert in the park was so fun with the family, Neil Diamond cover band, yes please!
14 -MIL is in town, woo hoo!
15 -BeautyCon LA, so much fun!
Related: BeautyCon Vlog and Haul + Advice for going
16 -Prime Day, Prime Day, Prime Day...I wasn't into it but then all the deals, I jumped on board really quick.
17 - Made it to Circuit class mostly on time, woo hoo.
18 - We opened the microscope we got from Prime Day and now we have two budding scientest, trying to see what everything is made of...the coolest thing so far, is the fabric headband Mini Fox found.
19 -Bunko night, I love these nights with the girls.
20 -Mini Fox is done with her 2nd year of preschool, her school performance was the cutest!
21 -Swimming with friends at their new pool, followed by dinner with family is the perfect kind of day, the 2 hour drive to get there, not so much.
22 - Unexpected day with friends is always the best kind of day.
23 - So happy that Mr. and I have the flexibility to support the people we love, this is going to be a hard 6 months, but we can do it as a family.
24 - Made it home early, so I actually made it to my workout class on time, yay, plus I met a new friend at the gym.
25 - My favorite workout day of the week, 10 minutes late, due to swim lessons, but 50 minutes of workout is better than none.
26 - I love how much Baby Fox loves taking his karate class, makes paying for it worth it when he's not fighting me to go.
27 - Spent my off Friday with my parents down in San Clamente, enjoying lunch, walking on the pier, and talking to a fisherman, pretty much a perfect day, oh and then follow that up with a concert in the park with friends.
28 - Fun day with the cousins at the Aquarium, plus the #SoCalHelpfulHonda
people really do exist, we got a free backstage tour thanks to them!
29 - Back to LA we drive for another cousins birthday party!
30 - Gymnastics day, so annoyed that these ladies take up the only table in
the place, to chat...don't they know I have blog posts to write and
videos to edit?
31 - I made it to my gym class on time and picked up Baby Fox on time, a Christmas miracle.
So what are you waiting for, go open a draft and start with August 1 and 2nd!
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