1. Favorite birthday party as a child? Hmmm...I remember once going to a community pool and having my birthday party there, it was a small group of kids (can't even remember who), and we had so much fun. So I guess that one, since that is the only birthday party I can remember as s kid...as a young adult, for my 17th birthday my parents surprised me at band camp and took myself and all of my friends out to lunch, that was fun.
2. Do you like to entertain? Yes! I love it, the reason we bought a house with a pool, so we could throw parties and have all of the kids want to hang out at our house...mostly so I can keep an eye on Baby and Mini Fox. Some of the parties I've thrown, you can find here. My favorites are when I threw Baby Fox a Super Hero Party (mostly I think the cake I made turned out awesome, I took a ton of pictures of that), and when I threw my sister her Fiesta Party for her 40th, I really like making backgrounds for the kids themed party. This under the sea one was pretty awesome.

3. What kind of parties are your favorite? Fun ones? haha...I like a mix of both, when it's an adult only party so we don't have to worry about what the kids are going to eat or what's going to entertain them. But then, I love going to kids parties and seeing how much fun the kids are having together.
4. Big or Small Parties? I like to attend small parties, with people I know, so you can really get to talk to people, but when i throw parties they are big. Mr. and my philosophy, invite everyone so no one feels left out. At least we try to follow that philosophy.
5. Favorite thing to do at Parties? Eat the good food, assuming it's no pizza from a kids party, haha! Also the time I get to catch up with friends, cause sometimes that's the only time I get to see them.
6. Party food favorite? Hmmm...chips and dip...salsa, onion dip, guacamole, I don't discriminate.
7. Favorite flavor of birthday cake? Hmmm...I guess if I have to pick it's chocolate with chocolate frosting (butter cream, not fondant, blah). But I do like making fun cakes for the kids for their birthdays.
8. Balloons? Yep, all the way! They just make everything fun. Have you tried getting a balloon drop? The kids love it and it's so stinkin' fun!
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9. Best Party Song? Not sure...I am horrible at songs...but one that does get my college friends and I on the dance floor every single time....Baby Got Back...haha.
10. Do you like to Dance? Yep! Although I don't do it a lot and I'm terrible at it. Give me a few drinks and I'm good to go!
Head on over to The Blended Blog to link up your answers! I can't wait to see what everyone writes.
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