Monday, November 12, 2018

My Gratitude in 5 Pictures

Hi Foxy Friends! Today I'm linking up with The Blended Blog again for our Monday topic of the day discussion. Today is 5 pictures in, 5 pictures huh? Okay let's gets started.

I'm grateful for this guy. Mr. is my rock and support system, my partner in crime and everything in between. He puts up with my incessant picture taking, my need to document everything, and goes along with the flow when I want to randomly stop to take pictures. He is the best fathers to our children, and my love for him grows everyday watching him with our children. Anyway...I'm not all about the sap life (yes I am, I just don't know how to convey it in words). So I'll just leave it at, I love this guy and all he does for the family and everything he does to keep me sane in this journey of parenthood.

Cousins...I love that we are close and that we are able to get our kids together as often as we can. Growing up I was always with my cousins and now that we are adults we have formed our own traditions with our families and I love it. Matching PJ's are really my favorite. This year, I found THE MOST PERFECT PJ's for this Cousin Crew.

Grateful for these kids. I know this is a weird picture, so let me explain. Baby Fox is probably only 15 pounds heavier than Mini Fox...we had to take Mini Fox to the doctors to get a wart removed and it hurt, and she cried a lot. I was carrying her, but had to set her down to get the keys, and Baby Fox, concerned gave her a hug and then asked if she wanted him to carry her. So he did, for about 50ft. He does this all the time, when she's hurt. She does the same for him. The love they have for each other, makes this Mama heart burst. I hope they are always this close and love each other this much.

New friends. I am so grateful that we decided to switch Baby Fox's school and with doing so have found a tribe of ladies who support each other, help pick up each others kids when we get stuck, laugh together, get advice from, drink wine with and do stuff like this Trunk Or Treat theme. Anyone willing to wear this in public is a friend of mine. So glad I get to spend the next at least 7 years with these ladies planning events!

Grateful for my blogging friends! Who know 4 years ago when I decided to do a clothing challenge that I would meet such wonderful that not only were blogging friend that have become in real life friends. It's pretty awesome when you read about someone for so long, and then you actually get to go shopping with that person, and you can walk into a store an know exactly what the person is going to pick out. It's so much fun, getting to know these ladies better, and I am so happy they are in my life, whether we keep on blogging or not, I know we will be there for each other...Next trip can't come soon enough!

I would like to add one more picture I'm grateful for. My aunt had her last round of Chemo, and Mr. and I were able to be at every single one of her infusions. Those words on the monitor were so sweet. I'm grateful for her team of doctors, for catching it early, for the medicine working and shrinking that little bugger, and for Mr. and my work being understanding taking so much time off work to be with her. This view was a view we looked at for many hours and I am so grateful I was able to take the time to be with her and my Uncle.

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