In case you missed it this week:
Monday: TBB Asks
Tuesday: Sentence A Day
Wednesday: St. Patrick's Day Sweater
Thursday: A Day In the Life
Last Thursday there weren't enough ladies to do bunko, so we went to dinner instead. I could get to that, although Bunko is fun. Love these ladies.
Last Friday Baby Fox had a jog-a-thon, he was so cute, and so excited that I was able to make it. So glad I have a job that allows me to occasionally work from home so I can attend those types of things. It was drizzly but didn't stop these kids from having fun.
Baby Fox's class was suppose to wear white.
He did 14 laps, after 10 laps 7-11 gave them all a free Slurpee. He was stoked, and then his friend gave his to Baby Fox and he was even more excited.
Saturday Mini Fox's baseball game got cancelled. They moved Baby Fox's game to Friday night, which really worked out because Saturday was his 1st reconciliation. He was so excited/nervous.
They said no pictures, I snuck this one, walking in line to go see a priest.
After it was all said and done Baby Fox said he couldn't stop smiling and that he was so happy.
We went out for celebratory donuts, yum!
Afterwards I facetimed a friend, in all honesty she's the first person I've ever face timed that was a family member. She said, I must really like you because I answered, lol! But she knew why I was calling to get advice on our New Kids On the Block Tickets in May, woo hoo! So excited to go! Got nose bleed seats, but who cares!
The rest of Saturday was spent cooking, these guys helped for a hot second when I made some cookies.
Then I proceeded to make food for a bazillion people. I made a lot so we could freeze a lot, I was in the kitchen for 7 hours, yikes! No pictures, oops!
Sunday after church we headed to the Symphonic Jazz Orchestra performace, where they help raise money to bring a music program to schools. Amazing concert, it was too short though! That hour just FLEW by. My uncle got us good seats too because he's on the board.
Afterwards we surprised my aunt with a cake for her birthday. She was shocked. So many things to celebrate. Here's to a WAY better year than last year!
Then we headed to dinner with everyone to celebrate her birthday.
Love these people.
This could be one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. I couldn't not stop laughing. These two are the cutest.
Don't forget on Monday over on the Blended Blog we're talking our favorite things.
All in all it was a pretty great weekend! What are you guys up to? Our weather forecast is not calling for any rain, so Mini Fox will get to play in her first baseball game, yay! More on that next week!
Linking up here
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